How to use Git on Windows - AD-EYE/AD-EYE_Core GitHub Wiki
To understand the basic workflow of GIT and GITHUB, you can follow this link.
GIT on Windows
If you haven’t installed GIT already you can do it using this link.
(Make sure you work with the latest version)
Once, GIT has been installed locally, you need to set it up before you can start creating repositories. For that first open the Git Bash (from the Start button).
To Clone a Repository from GitHub:
Go to your repository on GitHub. In the top right above the list of files, open the Clone or download drop-down menu. Copy the URL for cloning over HTTPS.
Then go to the Git Bash and enter the following command in the terminal – git clone repository_url
The working directory should now have a copy of the repository from GitHub. It should contain a directory with the name of the repository, AD-EYE_Core. Change to the directory using this command.
Configure GitHub Identity
Configure your local Git installation to use your GitHub mail and name by entering the following
Make sure to replace “github_username” and “useremail_address” with your own.
The links given below will help you understand the difference between local and global configuration.
Note:- Sometimes a case may arise where you cannot configure your name and mail. In that case use the following command
git config --list
This shows the indentity of the user that will appear with each commit. If it is not the good one, use one of the following two commands git config --edit
or git config --global --edit
to solve the issue.
To know more about the git conventions and general rules go through the wiki page: