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accessdev: The ACCESS model control server

accessdev is the NCI server that provides configuration and run control for the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (the ACCESS model)

It allows researchers to:

  • Develop new configurations of ACCESS for climate & weather modelling
  • Share model code & configuration
  • Submit and view running jobs on Raijin, NCI's HPC system

First Steps

To use Accessdev and the ACCESS model you first need to create an account at NCI and register for the ACCESS project.

For information about how to get started running ACCESS jobs see our GettingConnected guide

Gadi Transition Information

NCI is transitioning to Gadi, its new high performance computing system




ACCESS models in CMIP6

ACCESS Model Documentation and Reference

Supported ACCESS Model Experiments

Updates for the ACCESS Community

User Guides

Getting Help

The ACCESS community has a support team made up of staff from the Bureau of Meterology, CSIRO, the Centre of Excellence for Climate Systems Science and NCI, who can be reached at the ACCESS helpdesk [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]].

There are a number of wikis that you can get information from about the model, including:

There is also a Met Office collaboration mailing list for external users of the Unified Model, email [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]] to sign up.


accessdev was developed as part of the NeCTAR CWSlab project by BoM, CSIRO, ARCCSS CMS and NCI


Developer Home

Information for sysadmins and developers are available on the Development homepage

Recent Wiki Changes


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