Development - ACCESS-NRI/accessdev-Trac-archive GitHub Wiki


Access Development

This is the development system for the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator.

It provides a shared development environment for all members of the Australian Climate community, as well as interfaces for running the ACCESS climate model.

For assistance using the ACCESS systems please email [email protected]. Editing the wiki requires an account from NCI.

Accessdev sysadmins

Scott Wales (ARC CoECSS), Robin Bowen (BoM), Wenming Lu (BoM), Martin Dix (CSIRO)

Experiment Database

Progress towards public release:

TicketQuery(milestone=accessdev v1.0,format=progress)

User Guides

For guides on how to use the Accessdev system as a researcher please go to the ACCESS Wiki (Requires a NCI account)

[/newticket Report an Issue]

Development on Accessdev

Guides for using the developer tools on Accessdev for collaborative model development


Puppet Info

Information on the Puppet system, which is used to configure the Accessdev server


NCI Bundles

Documentation specific to the NCI cloud team's bundle system

Admin Guides

Guides for administration tasks

TitleIndex(Admin Guides/,hideprefix,format=hierarchy)