7. Misc View - zyro670/PokeViewer.NET GitHub Wiki

Currently only supports Scarlet & Violet for the miscellaneous use cases of these specific functions.


Time Viewer

  • Utilizes the value you select to either go Forward or Backward in time on your Nintendo Switch clock.
  • The Reset button will attempt to reset time to the original values.
  • To reset the time if it fails to do so you can reboot your switch.

Outbreak Conditions

  • Automated Outbreak Scanner that reads the save block and shows: Total number of Outbreaks on map, Species, Form, Knock Out Count, and Total Count.
  • This skipper utilizes my hybrid sys/usb-botbase to efficiently skip quickly. You will need to enable Sync Date/Time Settings in your Nintendo Switch Settings in order for it to work.
  • Open Map: Will show all active outbreaks upon scanning. Default is the map of Paldea.
  • EnableWebhook: To get pinged on discord if you have webhook functionality setup, otherwise you will get a MessageBox popup.
  • Please note that the INITIAL read of each outbreak is what takes a long time to scan. If you are scanning both maps PLUS event outbreaks you can expect an initial full read to be about 2 minutes.


  • If you have 0 -> 77 checked when scanning, on match found it will automatically attempt to close the game, re-enter, modify the counts, and re-enter the game to load your current outbreaks. If you do not have Webhook selected, you will need to clear out the popup message before it does the knockout routine.