Bluetooth HM 10 AT Commands - zubial/arduino-serial GitHub Wiki

Command Description Details
AT Test Command or Disconnect Command If the module is not connected to a remote device it will reply: β€œOK”. If the module has a connection then the connection will be closed. If the notification setting is active, the module will reply with β€œOK+LOST”
AT+NAME? Query the name Returns the name the module broadcasts such as HMsoft.
AT+NAMEnewname Change the name of the module Changes the name broadcast by the module. For example AT+NAMEmyBTmodule changes the name to myBTmodule. The maximum length for a new name is 12 characters.
AT+ADDR? Queries the HM-10s mac address Returns the address as a 12 digit hexidecimal number. For example, OK+ADDR:606405D138A3
AT+VERS? / AT+VERR? Queries the firmware version number For example: HMSoft V540
AT+RESET Restarts the module. Returns OK+RESET Will close an active connection while restarting.
AT+RENEW Restores the default factory settings. A quick and easy way to reset all settings.
AT+BAUD? Query the baud rate used for UART serial communication. This is the speed a host device like an Arduino uses to talk to the BT module. It is not the the speed used to send wireless signals between different modules. Returns the value 0-8, for example, OK+Get:0  (0 – 9600 / 1 – 19200 / 2 – 38400 / 3 – 57600 / 4 – 115200 / 5 – 4800 / 6 – 2400 / 7 – 1200 / 8 – 230400) The default setting is 0 – 9600. Remember that both devices, the Arduino and the HM-10 need to use the same baud rate. Garbage characters are usually a sign of mismatched baud rates.
AT+BAUDx Set the baud rate used for UART serial communication. x is a value from 0 to 8. See the above for wwhat value represents which baud rate. Take care when using with an Arduino. The maximum baud rate the Arduino serial monitor allows is 115200. If you set the baud rate to 230400 with AT+BAUD8 you wont be able to talk to the module.
AT+NOTI Set the notification status If notifications are turned on, the HM-10 will reply to commands with a confirmation message or send out a message when certain events take place, like β€œOK” for the AT command and β€œOK+LOST” when a connection is broken. AT+NOTI0 – turn off notifications AT+NOTI1 – turn on notifications
AT+NOTI? Query the notification status Returns either 0 or 1: 0 – notifications are off / 1 – notifications are on
AT+PIN? Query the PIN number used for pairing. Replies with a 6 digit number like β€œOK+Get:123456β€³ or whatever the current PIN number is.
AT+PIN Set a new PIN/PASS. The PIN must be 6 characters long..  AT+PIN123456 sets the new PIN number to 123456
AT+ROLE? Query the current Role; Master or Slave AT+ROLE? returns either 0 or 1. 0 = Slave or Peripheral / 1 = Master or Central. The default setting is 0 (Slave).
AT+ROLEx Set the device role. x is 0 or 1. To change to Slave/Peripheral mode use AT+ROLE0. This will return OK+Set:0 To change to Master/Central mode use AT+ROLE1. This will return OK+Set:1 AT+ROLEx mat require a reset before the changes take place.
AT+IMME? Query the start mode AT+IMME? returns either 0 or 1. 0 = Connect immediately (assuming a previous connection has been applied / 1 = Wait for a connection command before connecting (AT+START, AT+CONN, AT+CONL The default setting is 0 (connect on start).
AT+IMMEx Set the start up mode AT+IMME0 sets auto connect on start* AT+IMME1 sets manual connection mode / AT+IMMEx is often used together with AT+ROLEx / AT+IMMEx mat require a reset before the changes take place.
AT+RESET Restarts the module
AT+RENEW Resets the module to the factory settings