Liquid Payment - zoobc/zoobc-core GitHub Wiki

Liquid Payment is a kind of payment whose amount will be paid completely upon completion of the predefined period. The whole operation can be performed by only Liquid Payment transaction which will be completed on the predefined time, or we can stop the liquid payment arbitrarily (after the main Liquid Payment transaction has been recorded in the blockchain but before it is completed) using Liquid Payment Stop transaction which will stop that particular Liquid Payment operation (iy will send the receiver the amount of money according to percentage of the liquid payment period completed, and will send back the rest of the money to the sender).

  • Data

    • Liquid Payment

    No Name Length Type
    0 Amount 8 int64
    1 CompleteMinutes 4 uint64

    Amount: Amount of money we want the receiver to receive when the Liquid Payment has completed CompleteMinutes: how many minutes is required for the Liquid Payment to be completed

    • Liquid Payment Stop

    No Name Length Type
    0 TransactionID 8 int64

    TransactionID: The transaction ID of the Liquid Payment Operation we want to stop