Beta - zoobc/zoobc-core GitHub Wiki


Zoobc Core is the main node application to run the zoobc blockchain. This repository consist of the main node application and the command line interface tools to help with development.


Configuration file config.toml located in the root directory of zoobc-core contain many of variables that used as environtment. We use [viper][viper] as loader that loaded when start the node. Some point is:

  • dbPath and dbName for database connection needed.
  • badgerDbPath and badgerDbName for badger connection needed.
  • snapshotPath is path or directory of snapshot files.
  • peerPort is port that pointed for peer to peer connection
  • myAddress is address or IP for own node.
  • wellknownPeers is list of node addresses that you believe in.
  • apiRPCPort is port for RPC client connection supposted to be for wallet / explorer
  • maxAPIRequestPerSecond is request limit in second
  • apiHTTPPort is port that use in proxy mode, set 0 to disable and only enable in develop mode.
  • monitoringPort is port for grafana and only enable in develop mode.
  • cpuProfilingPort is port for CPU profiling and only enable in develop mode.
  • apiReqTimeoutSec is request timeout in second for grpc streaming mode.
  • ownerAccountAddress is account address in slip10

    For more detail you can see on configuration

Getting Start

Download Binary

Download from release archive unzip the file and the result might contain some files and binary that you would need to runnng the application:

├── zoobc
├── cmd
├── Makefile
├── config.toml
└── resource
    ├── node_keys.json
    └── templates

Check the config.toml files and update several keys:

  • ownerAccountAddress. You might need to run ./cmd account ed25519 --seed "your mnemonic" and copy address part as ownerAccountAddress
  • wellknownPeers
  • And some ports if you need to change.

From Source

Clone the zoobc-core repo release tag into you machine, you might need to build binary manually, make sure your machine have make:

  • Install some binary dependencies go-swagger and [protobuf][protobuf].

  • Install dependencies go mod install

  • Make sure the schema pointing to a correct version with zoobc-core version, otherwise you need to pull the schema with the correct version and build that with:

    • cd common/schema
    • ./

    The result will update *.pb.go files inside common/model and common/service

  • Update several keys from configuration files config.toml will need the following files configured:

    • ownerAccountAddress. You might need to run ./cmd account ed25519 --seed "your mnemonic" and copy address part as ownerAccountAddress. For more information about zoobc cmd you can see the detail here
    • wellknownPeers
    • And some ports if you need to change.
  • Build binary with make build and the result is release/zoobc, you can check for more build version in Makefile.


golang, currently using go.1.14

Run Binary file

The core node can be run by anyone that want to join the network, to run the core-node application need to following files configured update some keys from config.toml and run with ./zoobc.

In some reason you need to use web proxy to allowing browser access send and request with normal HTTP request (with Fetch or XHR) and it will expose functionality. You need to run nohup grpcwebproxy --backend_addr=localhost:7000 --run_tls_server=false --allow_all_origins --server_http_debug_port=7001 --server_http_max_write_timeout 1h & make sure you install binary [grpc-web-proxy][grpc-web-proxy]

To make sure the application is running open http://localhost:3031/v1/health/check in your browser. [note: 3031 is default of config.toml:apiHttpPort, adjust to your own configuration as needed].


  • Unit tests
    • Run all tests without cache go test ./... -count=1
    • Run all test with coverage report go test ./... -coverprofile=cover.out && go tool cover -html=cover.out
  • [GolangCI-Lint][golangci-lint]
    • Install linter tools curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.20.0
    • Run golangci-lint run to check any linting error in the changes.


please refer to and code of conduct.

[protobuf]: [protoc-gen-go]: [viper]: [cobra]: [deep-copy]: [sqlite3]: [logrus]: [go-grpc-middleware]: [go-grpc-gateway]: [badgerdb]: [stats]: [btcd]: [btcutil]: [golangci-lint]: [grpc-web-proxy]: