v4 Performance Tips - zlq4863947/pixi.js-cn GitHub Wiki


  • Only optimize when you need to! PIXI can handle a fair amount of content off the bat.
  • The WebGL renderer is way faster than the canvas renderer. Use WebGL where you can!
  • Be mindful of the complexity of your scene. The more objects you add the slower things will end up.
  • Pixi renders things from back to front in the order they appear in the scene.
  • Being mindful of this order can help, for example sprite / graphic / sprite / graphic is slower than sprite / sprite / graphic / graphic.
  • Some older mobile devices run things a little slower. passing in the option 'legacy:true' to the renderer can help with performance.
  • Culling, PIXI does not cull anything, we have left this to you and your application.


  • Use spritesheets where possible to minimize total textures.
  • Sprites can be batched with up to 16 different textures (dependent on hardware).
  • This is the fastest way to render content.
  • On older devices use smaller low res textures.
  • Add the extension @0.5x.png to the 50% scale-down so PIXI will double them automatically.
  • Draw order can be important.


  • Graphics fastest when they are not modified constantly (not including the transform, alpha or tint!).
  • Separate Graphic instances are not batched.
  • Using 300 or more graphics objects can be slow, in this instance use sprites, if you can create a texture to share between them.


  • Textures are automatically managed by a Texture Garbage Collector.
  • You can also manage them yourself by using texture.destroy().
  • If you plan to destroy more than one at once add a random delay to their destruction to avoid freezing.
  • Delay texture destroy if you plan to delete a lot of textures yourself.


  • Tinting is totally FREE in the WebGL renderer, there is literally no overhead. So go nuts!
  • Tinting has a one time setup cost when using the canvas renderer per texture. Animating tints can be slow on the canvas renderer.


  • Avoid changing it on every frame as this can be expensive (each time it draws to a canvas and then uploads to GPU)
  • Bitmap Text gives much better performance for dynamically changing text.
  • Text resolution matches the renderer resolution, to increase resolution yourself you can textDouble the font size & scale it down to 50%.


  • Masks can be expensive if too many are used. 100s of masks will really slow things down.
  • Axis aligned Rectangle Masks are the fastest (as the use scissor rect).
  • Graphics masks are second fastest (as they use the stencil buffer).
  • Sprite masks are the third fastest (they uses filters) - really expensive do not use too many in your scene!


  • Release memory : displayObject.filters = null.
  • If you know the size of them: displayObject.filterArea = new PIXI.Rectangle(x,y,w,h). This can speeds things up as it means the object does not need to be measured.
  • Filters are expensive. Using too many will start to slow things down!


  • Setting cacheAsBitmap to true turns an object into a sprite by caching it as a texture.
  • It has a one time cost when it is activated as it draws the object to a texture.
  • Avoid changing this on elements frequently.
  • If you have a complicated item that has lots of sprites / filters AND do not move then this will speed up rendering!
  • Do not need apply to sprites as they are already textures.
  • Do not use if the object where its children are constantly changing as this will slow things down!


  • Constantly getting the width and height of objects can be slow for complex objects.
  • Getting width and heights of Sprites is fast!
  • If an object does not change often, use and store the bounds of an object by calling myObject.getBounds()


  • If an object has no interactive children use interactiveChildren = false the interaction manager will then be able to avoid crawling through the object.
  • Set hitArea = new PIXI.Rectangle(x,y,w,h). As above should stop the interaction manager from crawling through the object.
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