Rate increase 2023.09.19 - zimeg/emporia-time GitHub Wiki

PG&E 🟦

Important update about your energy bills πŸ›»πŸŒ²πŸ§°

This winter, you will see higher rates for gas and electric service. We are communicating with you now so you can understand why and prepare for higher bills.

The state regulatory process for determining rates is still ongoing and dependent on approval from our regulator. We do not know the amount of the rate increase and we will communicate with you again when more detailed information becomes available.

Why are bills increasing?

We are investing now for a safer and more resilient energy future. This upcoming rate increase, if approved, will fund critical electric and gas programs to make our energy systems stronger and more reliable against the effects of extreme weather, like winter storms and hotter summers.

Undergrounding powerlines

Undergrounding powerlines reduces wildfire risk by nearly 98% and permanently eliminates some of the annual costs for vegetation management and maintenance. PG&E has proposed to underground 2,100 miles of powerlines in the highest wildfire risk areas for about $3.40 additional per month on the average customer’s bill in 2023-2026.

Wildfire risk reduction

We are delivering multiple layers of protection as part of our wildfire safety efforts to keep our customers safe. This work includes strategically moving lines underground, and installing stronger poles and covered powerlines. All together, these layers of protection, including safety power shutoffs, have reduced wildfire risk from our equipment by over 90% and represent our ongoing commitment to reduce the threat of wildfires.

Grid capacity and resilience

Investments in innovative solutions will allow us to improve the electric system to support more electric vehicles, battery storage, and make the electricity more reliable for everyone during extreme weather.

These actions will make our customers safer for generations to come. We understand rate increases impact our customers and we are committed to completing this critical safety work as strategically and cost-effectively as possible.

How does the process work?

Here is a summary of how rates are determined so you can understand where we are in the process. We will communicate again after the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issues a final decision and we know how and when your bill will be impacted.

  1. Application is submitted πŸ“„
  2. Public hearings and comment πŸ—£οΈ
  3. Proposal may be modified πŸ“
  4. Proposed decision issued by Administrative Law Judge(s) πŸ›οΈ
  5. Final decision approved by CPUC Commissioners 🎯
  6. Rate change goes into effect 🏁

Note: We are between steps 4 and 5.

We can help you manage your energy bills.

  • Budget Billing provides more predictable monthly energy costs by averaging your energy costs over the previous 12 months to determine a monthly payment amount.
  • Payment Arrangements can help you schedule payment of your current balance over several months to help manage temporary financial strains.
  • A different electric rate plan could save you money. Review your personalized rate comparison at pge.com/myrate

To learn about all the programs that can help you manage your energy costs, visit [pge.com/programs].

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