Community Projects - ziglang/zig GitHub Wiki
Community Projects
These can be projects written in Zig, or projects that support Zig. Feel free to add yours (or someone else's) here!
- alzette - Implementation of the Alzette box and the CRAX block cipher in Zig.
- Aro - A C compiler written in Zig.
- BamOS - An operating system kernel written in Zig.
- benice - Apply CPU and I/O policies on system processes.
- Black Shades - A psychic bodyguard FPS game.
- Bun - JavaScript runtime
- buzz - A small/lightweight statically typed scripting language
- capy - Cross-platform library for easily making true native GUIs in Zig
- charm - A tiny, self-contained cryptography library, implementing authenticated encryption and keyed hashing.
- cova - Commands, Options, Values, Arguments. A simple yet robust cross-platform command line argument parsing library for Zig.
- dvui - Immediate Zig GUI for Apps and Games.
- embed-dir - A small Zig library for embedding directory trees with
. - flags - An easy, cross-platfrom command line argument parsing library.
- flow - Flow Control: a programmer's text editor
- Fundude - Gameboy emulator running in wasm.
- Ghostty - Ghostty is a fast, feature-rich, and cross-platform terminal emulator that uses platform-native UI and GPU acceleration.
- Kiesel - A JavaScript engine written in Zig
- zig-learning - A bunch of links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning Zig
- Lappland - A dead simple diceware generator.
- Liacomfa_N - "Lion Algoritmo de Compresion en Fase | Lion Phase Compression Algorithm" Algorithm for compression with a reduction of 70% to 80% and integrating Python
- libffi - libffi with a Zig build script.
- levee - Statusbar for the river wayland compositor.
- LoLa - Script language written in pure Zig.
- Mach engine - Game engine & graphics toolkit for the future.
- Matrix Utils - Matrix manipulation and utility library.
- Mime Support MIME (HTTP Media Types) parse in Zig.
- Mini Pixel - A tiny pixel art editor.
- nanovg-zig - Rewrite of NanoVG in Zig.
- ncdu - NCurses Disk Usage.
- oxid - arcade-style game where you fight waves of monsters in a fixed-screen maze.
- pluto - An x86 kernel, with plans to port it to x86_64, arm and aarch64.
- PrismJS - JavaScript based syntax highlighting for web pages supports Zig.
- QML-zig - QML bindings for the Zig programming language.
- river - A dynamic wayland compositor.
- scc - code line and complexity counter which has Zig support.
- scritcher - Glitch art scripting language.
- SDL Template - A bare bones game project template with SDL configured and ready to go.
- Sig - A Solana validator client implementation written in Zig
- sudokuinzig - A basic sudoku solver.
- tinyfx - Mid-level OpenGL rendering library in C with Zig wrapper.
- TigerBeetle - A purpose built accounting database for high throughput, safety and durability.
- TinyVG - A tiny vector graphics format. SDK and renderer is implemented in Zig.
- TM35-Metronome - Tools for modifying and randomizing Pokémon games.
- tofurkey - a tool for distributed sync of Linux TCP Fastopen key rotations
- Tzigame - A collection of libraries for video game development in Zig.
- uscope - A native, graphical debugger for Linux.
- yazap - Command line argument parser for zig which supports flags, subcommand and nested subcommands out of the box.
- zalgebra - Linear algebra library for games and computer graphics.
- zenith - Minimal text editor with familiar key bindings
- zerve - Simple framework for writing web services and web apps.
- zf - commandline fuzzy finder that prioritizes matches on filenames.
- zig-args - Alternative command line parser, uses
as argument template. - zig-clap - A library for parsing command line arguments.
- zig-sdk - An MSBuild SDK for building Zig, C, and C++ projects using the Zig compiler.
- ZigGBA - Work in Progress SDK to write Game Boy Advance in Zig.
- Ziggy Pydust - A framework for writing and packaging native Python extension modules written in Zig.
- zigimg - Library to read (and soon write) image files.
- zigmod - A Zig package manager.
- zigup - Download and manage zig compilers.
- zigwin32 - Complete autogenerated bindings for Win32.
- zinc - Zinc is a framework written in pure Zig.
- zioom - A handy
helper. - zls - A powerful language server for Zig, written in Zig.
- ztags - Generate
files for Zig source code. - zyg - Pathtracer written in Zig.
- zigcat - A Lightweight HTTP Web Server.
- zignal - Image processing library.
If a project in the above list has been abandoned for over 6 months, you are welcome to edit this wiki and delete it from this list.
You can also check out awesome-zig, another similar list of Zig projects.