Useful hotkeys - zhongjiedong/Tsukiro GitHub Wiki

True directional movement

Target lock - V

Formation with Followers

Left arrow key with cursor over follower - set formation

Simplest horses

U - Horse UI


numpad - - toggle capture window

numpad / - toggle hunter's pride

Sexlab (during scenes)

Space - advance scene

End - end animation

= - reset position

K - cycle character selection

' - move character along X axis

L - move character along Y axis

; - move character along Z axis

H - open Sexlab Tools to select scenes

Hold Right Ctrl - reverse direction of above actions


Print Screen - take screenshot

Scroll Lock - take screenshot with no UI

If screenshots are not appearing you need to edit your paths like so:

Optimal Potion Hotkey - Use potions in your inventory based on resource missing

F - use Health Potion

G - use Stamina Potion

H - use Magicka Potion

Equipment toggle

Down arrow key = toggle helmet off/on