SQL必知必会 - zhongjiajie/zhongjiajie.github.com GitHub Wiki
- sql基础部分
-- 处理日期
select order_num
from orders
where to_number(to_char(order_date, 'yyyy')) = 2004;
-- between
select order_num
from orders
where order_date between to_date('01-jan-2004')
and to_date('31-dec-2004')
-- in 语法 等同于where...and...
select cust_id
from orders
where order_num in (20007, 20008);
-- 聚合函数
select count(*) as num_items,
, min(prod_price) as price_min
, max(prod_price) as price_max
, avg(prod_price) as price_avg
from products;
-- group by 子句
select vend_id,count(*) as num_prods
from products
group by vend_id;
-- group by 和 having 联合使用
select vend_id,count(*) as num_prods
from products
where prod_price >= 4
group by vend_id
having count(*) >= 2;
-- group by and having and order by
select order_num,count(*) as items
from orderitems
group by order_num
having count(*) >= 3
order by items,order_num;
-- sql 子查询
select cust_name
, cust_state
, (
select count(*)
from orders
where orders.cust_id = customers.cust_id
) as orders
from customers
order by cust_name;
-- 三张表查询两个字段,有一张表用来作为约束
select cust_name
, cust_contact
from customers, orders, orderitems
where customers.cust_id = orders.cust_id
and orderitems.order_num = orders.order_num
and prod_id = 'rgan01';
-- 单表自查寻 为jim jones所在公司工作的所有客户 要用别名
select c1.cust_id
, c1.cust_name
, c1.cust_contact
from customers c1, customers c2
where c1.cust_name = c2.cust_name
and c2.cust_contact = 'jim jones';
-- 左外连接
select customers.cust_id
, orders.order_num
from customers
left outer join orders
on customers.cust_id = orders.cust_id;
-- 全外连接
select customers.cust_id
, orders.order_num
from orders
full outer join customers
on orders.cust_id = customers.cust_id;
-- 所有客户及每个客户的订单数
select customers.cust_id
, count(orders.order_num) as num_ord
from customers
inner join orders
on customers.cust_id = orders.cust_id
group by customers.cust_id ;
-- 组合查询
union -- 删除重复的数据
union all -- 不删除重复的数据
select cust_name
, cust_contact
, cust_email
from customers
where cust_state in('il','in','mi')
select cust_name
, cust_contact
, cust_email
from customers
where cust_name = 'fun4all'
order by cust_name, cust_contact;
select cust_name
, cust_contact
, cust_email
from customers
where cust_state in ('il','in','mi')
or cust_name = 'fun4all';
-- 插入数据
insert into table_name(columns_name) values(values...)
insert into customers(cust_id, cust_contact, cust_email, cust_name, cust_address, cust_city, cust_state, cust_zip) values('1000006', null, null, 'toy land', '123 any street', 'new york', 'ny', '1111')
insert into table_name
from table_name
where condition
order by select_columns
insert into customers(cust_id,cust_contact,cust_email,cust_name,cust_address,cust_city,cust_state,cust_zip)
select cust_id,cust_contact,cust_email,cust_name,cust_address,cust_city,cust_state,cust_zip
from custnew;
-- 新建一张和源表表结构和数据同样的表
create table copytable1 as
select *
from customers;
-- 更新语句 切记不能省略where子句
update customers
set cust_email = '[email protected]'
where cust_id = '1000000005';
-- 删除数据 切记不能省略where子句
from customers
where cust_id = '1000000006';
-- 修改表 alter table
alter table vendors add vend_phone char(20);
-- 删除表格
drop table table_name;
-- 视图
-- 创建视图的时候尽量不要用order by
-- 需要的时候在使用视图的时候加上
create view view_name as
select cust_name
, cust_contact
, prod_id
from customers, orders, orderitems
where customers.cust_id = orders.cust_id
and orderitems.order_num = orders.order_num;
-- 使用视图
select cust_name
, cust_contact
from productcustomers
where prod_id = 'rgan01';
-- 视图使用where子句
create view view_name as
select cust_id
, cust_name
, cust_email
from customers
where cust_email is not null;--where 子句过滤掉不满足要求的数据
-- use view
select *
from customeremaillist;
-- 视图对于计算字段特别爽
create view orderitemsexpanded as
select order_num,prod_id
, quantity
, item_price
, quantity * item_price as expanded_price
from orderitems;
-- 存储过程
-- oracle
create or replace procedure mailinglistcount(listcount out number)
select *
from customers
where not cust_email is null;
listcount := sql%rowcount;
-- 事务
-- 方式: 将多条sql组成一个组,要么整个组执行成功,要么整个组执行失败
-- 作用: 维护数据库的完整性
-- 定义事务
begin transaction
<do your transaction here>
commit transaction
-- 回滚
delete from orders;
-- 提交事务
begin transaction
delete orderitems where order_num =12345
delete orders where order_num = 12345 --两个delete同时成功才会执行commit
commit transaction
-- 保留点 savepoint
-- 声明 savepoint delete1;
-- 回滚到保留点 rollback to delete1(保留点)
-- 理论上说保留点越多越好
-- 游标
declare custcursor cursor
select * from customers
where cust_email is null;
open cursor custcursor
-- 约束
create table table_name
column_name primary key
alter table table_name
add constraint primary key (column_name);
--外键 可以防止数据被意外删除
create table orders
column_name references other_tbale(other_column);
alter table table_name
add constraint
foreign key (column_name) references orther_table(column_name)
--检查约束 用来保证数据满足必要的条件
create table table_name
column_name check (column_name > 0)
alter table table_name
add constraint check (column_name like '[mf]')
--索引 加快查询速度,减慢增删改速度
create index index_name
on table_name (column_name);
--触发器 遇到特地的语句时执行
create trigger trigger_name
after something or something
for each row
grant -- 授权
revoke -- 收权