v0.0.10 Finish Authorization - zhentian-wan/MEANAppsFiles GitHub Wiki
Authorization can protect the page content which certain of users don't have access to.
In the application, we set only 'role: admin' user can access the users list. The other user will get 403 status and redirect to the home page.
User.create({firstName: 'One', lastName: 'One', username: 'One', salt: salt, hash_pwd: hash, role: 'admin'});
salt = createSalt();
hash = hashPwd(salt, 'Ken');
User.create({firstName: 'Two', lastName: 'Two', username: 'Two', salt: salt, hash_pwd: hash, role: ''});
salt = createSalt();
hash = hashPwd(salt, 'Ben');
User.create({firstName: 'Three', lastName: 'Three', username: 'Three', salt: salt, hash_pwd: hash});
Added three test user, user 'One' has admin role.
config/routes.js: add a middleware to check whether the current user has admin role.
//protect our server side resource
app.get('/api/users', auth.requireRole('admin'), function(req, res){
User.find({}).exec(function(err, collection) {
config/auth.js: Check if the user is not logged in yet or the current user's role is not admin, then send back 403 code. Otherwise, continue to get data.
exports.requireRole = function(role) {
return function(req, res, next) {
if(!req.isAuthenticated() || req.user.role.indexOf(role) === -1){
app.js: we add a route for getting users data:
.when('/admin/users', {
templateUrl: '/partials/admin/user_list',
controller: 'usrListController',
resolve: userRoleCheck.admin
var userRoleCheck = {
admin: {
auth: function(loginService) {
return loginService.authorizeCurrentUserForRoute('admin');
Here using resolve in the route, because angular will process resolve first before it gets to the controller and template, so if in the resolve we return a reject promise, then it will fire a $routeChangeEorr, in the AppController we can listen to this event.
service.authorizeCurrentUserForRoute = function(role) {
return true;
return $q.reject(NOT_AUTHORIZED);
factory.isAuthorized = function(role) {
if(factory.currentUser && factory.currentUser.role.indexOf(role) > -1){
return true;
return false;
function usrListController(UserResource) {
var vm = this;
vm.users = UserResource.query(); //get all the users
.controller('usrListController', usrListController);
function AppController($rootScope, NOT_AUTHORIZED, $location) {
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeError', function(event, current, previous, rejction) {
if(rejction === NOT_AUTHORIZED){