Create document order sample - zentry-developer/sdk GitHub Wiki

In this sample, we are creating a document order for an order definition which requires a student to sign the document. Since the student is not of legal age to sign, we include the legal guardians of the student.

// Fetch the list of document order definitions from the definitions facade.
var definitions = await _definitionsFacade.ListDocumentOrderDefinitions();

// Find the specific document order definition by name.
var definition = definitions.First(d => d.Name == "Skolekontrakt");

// Generate random IDs for the child and parents.
var childId = RandomId();
var parent1Id = RandomId();
var parent2Id = RandomId();

// Groups are optional. A group is used as a visual aid for the users of Zentry to group contacts.
var group = new Group(RandomId())
    Name = RandomName() // Assign a random name to the group.

// Create a list of contacts, including the child and their guardians.
var contacts = new List<ContactRef>
    new Contact(childId, RandomName()) // Create a contact for the child.
        NationalId = RandomNationalId(), // Assign a random national ID.
        SignerRoles = new List<string> { "student" }, // Specify the role of the contact.
        Group = group // Assign the contact to the defined group.
    new Contact(parent1Id, RandomName()) // Create a contact for the first parent.
        Email = $"{parent1Id}", // Assign an email based on the parent's ID.
    new Contact(parent2Id, RandomName()) // Create a contact for the second parent.
        Email = $"{parent2Id}", // Assign an email based on the parent's ID.      

// Create relationships between the parents and the child, specifying their roles.
var relations = new List<ContactRelation>
    new ContactRelation(parent1Id, childId, new List<string> { "legal-guardian" }), // Relation for the first parent.
    new ContactRelation(parent2Id, childId, new List<string> { "legal-guardian" })  // Relation for the second parent.

// Define the subjects for the document order, which include the child's contact details.
var subjects = new List<Subject> { new("contact", childId) };

// Create merge fields to include dynamic content in the document.
var mergeFields = new List<KeyValueField>
    new KeyValueField("elevnavn", "Jens"), // Student's first name.
    new KeyValueField("elevefternavn", "Jensen"), // Student's last name.
    new KeyValueField("elevadresse", "Paradisæblevej 8, 8000 Aarhus"), // Student's address.
    new KeyValueField("elevnummer", "8888"), // Student's number.
    new KeyValueField("klassetrin", "9") // Student's grade level.

// Create a document order request and send it to the orders facade for processing.
await _ordersFacade.CreateDocumentOrders(new List<DocumentOrderRequest>
    new(definition.Id, subjects, contacts, mergeFields) // Create a new document order request with the provided data.
        Relationships = relations // Attach the relationships to the document order.

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