Class definitions - zentry-developer/sdk GitHub Wiki


Can be used if a contact with the same id already exists in the system or elsewhere in the document order request.


  • Id
    An id provided by the client

  • SignerRoles
    If the contact should sign the document, the required role from the definition should be added. student (contact must sign as a student, if under aged the legal guardians will sign on the students behalf)

  • DocumentRoles
    Non signing roles. recipient (contact will receive the document prior to any signing)



  • Group
    Optional group used soly to by the user of Zentry as a visual aid.

  • Update
    If set to true existing contacts will be updated with the provided NationalId,Email,Name ect.

  • NationalId

  • DateOfBirth

  • Email

  • Name
    Full name


Describes the relation between two contacts. Should be read like this: The Contact is related to contact as type. Ex John is related to Bill as Father. Which means that John is the father of Bill.


  • ContactId
    The contact for which the relationship is seen from.

  • IsRelatedToContactId
    The contact which the "ContactId" is related to.

  • AsType
    The type/types which describes the relationship. Available types: legal-guardian


A document order is the result of a document order request. The clas is responsible for providing a status and the final document and data for the document order.


  • Id
    Unique id created by the system.

  • Created
    Time of creation. All timestamps are in UTC

  • Document
    Will be null until the status is Completed

  • Data
    Will be null until the status is Completed

  • Status
    Pending = 1, Declined = 2, Completed = 3

  • DocumentOrderDefinitionId
    The original document order definition Id


The definition for a document order.


  • Id
    Unique id created by the system.

  • Name
    A name provided by the user of Zentry

  • SignerRoles
    student (contact must sign as a student, if under aged the legal guardians will sign on the students behalf)

  • DocumentRoles
    recipient (contact will receive the document)

  • Subjects
    The type of subjects/parties the document is in regards to. Ex a company and a employee. A school and a student.

  • MergeFields
    I a list of fields which is merged into the document. The list of fields are required when creating a document order.

  • DataFields
    The data fields which will be returned once the document order is completed.


A document order specifies who should sign the document and what they should sign.


  • DocumentOrderDefinitionId
    The definition id for the order

  • BundleRefId
    Used for bundling multiple documents to be signed within the same signing flow.

  • Subjects
    The subjects/parties the document is in regards to. Ex a company and a employee. A school and a student etc. If only one subject is added the system will automatically add the customer/school as the other subject

  • Contacts
    The contacts which is either signers, recipients or subjects

  • Relationships
    Describes the relationship between the contacts

  • MergeFields
    A list of fields which is merged into the document. The fields are defined on the document order definition.

  • DataFields
    The data fields which will be returned once the document order is completed The fields are defined on the document order definition.



  • Name
    The name of the file including extension.

  • ContentType
    Content type of the file

  • Url
    Url to download the file


The actual pdf document. Inherits from File


  • Assets
    A list of assets which has been uploaded as part of the documents.



  • Id
    An id provided by the client

  • Name
    The name of the group

  • Update
    If set to true the name of the group will be updated


Represents a contact


  • Name

  • NationalId

  • DateOfBirth

  • Email



  • Key

  • Value


A subject represents a party in a contract. Ex. an employment contract would consists of two subjects: the employee and the company employing the employee


  • Type
    Available types: contact

  • Id

  • Data
    The data fields required from the type definition. If the subject has been created previously or is part of the contacts on the document order the data fields can be omitted and the Id will be used as a reference to the existing subject or contact.


A subject represents a party in a contract. Ex. an employment contract would consists of two subjects: the employee and the company employing the employee


  • Type
    Available types: contact

  • Data
    The data fields required from the type definition. If the subject has been created previously or is part of the contacts in the document order the data field can be omitted.