Stats - zbycz/osmapp GitHub Wiki

General stats

month vercel requests maptiler tiles changesets notes
24/5 53k 553,318 53 (11) 7
24/6 46k + 6k 592,193 66 (19) 5
24/7 64k + 8k 402,752 180 (108) 4
24/8 69k + 11k 373,719 63 (17) 7
24/9 92k + 32k 691,117 208 (97) 21
  • vercel requests are only[...all] +[...alll]. Total visible in linked image (but that includes also PR preview URLs)
  • changesets non-climbing changesets are in brackets

2021 to 2024-01-04

  • 593 changesets (30 deletion changesets) - link
  • 68 notes - link

Hackernews numbers (2023-12-28)

invocations of

  • before hn: 100-300x/day
  • during hn first 2 days: 50k/day
    • on hobby plan: 64k
    • on pro trial plan: 38k


Strange 40k invocations without bandwidth peak: image