Tutorial 1 Slider Crank Mechanism - zanoni-mbdyn/mbdyn-blender GitHub Wiki
NOTE: This tutorial was realized using an older version of the mbdyn-blender add-on. Thus, part of if might be outdated now and some commands might have slightly changed. It will be updated soon, but in the meantime, I'm confident that you can find your way through the different bits!
In this tutorial we will animate the slide-crank-piston models available at
this link, or in the repository of the mbdyn-blender add-on, in the
directory tests/slidercrank
. We're going to go through the model building and
animation assuming that we'd like to model the dynamic behavior of the real
system, by following these steps:
- start from a CAD model of the mechanical system;
- tune the MBDyn model to fit the mechanical system;
- run the multibody simulation;
- set up a Blender model to visualize the results in a simple way;
- enhance the Blender model by importing the CAD files as meshes;
- render the animation.
We're going to use a publicly available CAD model of a slider-crank-piston
mechanical assembly as our reference. I'm using the very nice model by
thinkin3D available here: engine starter kit. If you want to follow
this tutorial exactly step-by-step you can register a free account at
GrabCAD and download it for free. I suggest using the
version, but you can download the one that suits the CAD software you're
most comfortable with.
If you open the .stp file in FreeCAD, you can see that the CAD assembly is made of 12 parts. We want to export the parts that we'd like to animate in a mesh format that Blender can import and measure some geometrical and inertial parameters of the model.
To measure volumes and moments of inertia we'll make use of the macro FCinfo, developed by Mario52.
Load FCinfo and click on the crankshaft part: you'll get a lot of information about its geometry, that you can export to a text file with the Save button. For example, you can see that the total volume of the crankshaft is about 99842 mm3 and that its moment of inertia with respect to the FreeCAD x-axis is about 54859396 mm5. The units of the moment of inertia might confuse you, but remember that FreeCAD doesn't know anything about the material the crankshaft is made of: therefore, FCinfo outputs the moment of inertia divided by the density. We'll assume that the crankshaft is made of SAE 4340 alloy steel (typically used for crankshafts and rods). Its density is 7800 kg/m3. Thus we obtain a moment of inertia Jxx of 427,9 · 10-6 kg m2, and a mass of about 0.779 kg. The last piece of information that we need is the crank length, i.e. the distance between the rotation axis of the crankshaft and the center of the hinge that connects it to the rod. You can also perform this measurement in FreeCAD (or any other CAD software) and find it to be about 19 mm.
The last thing that we want to do with the crankshaft is to output its model to
a mesh format for the import in Blender. To do so, click on the Crankshaft part,
go to File->Export and choose Mesh format. I've chosen to call in crank.stl
Using the .stl
extension will tell FreeCAD to export the file in
the STL format, which Blender can understand.
Repeat the process for the rod (which is composed of the combo002
, combo003
and combo005
parts in the FreeCAD model), for the piston
), that we'll assume is made of forged aluminum, with
2700 kg/m3 density, and for the wristpin (combo
). You should
get the following table of parameters:
Part | Mass [kg] | Length [m] | Moment of Inertia [kg m2] |
Crankshaft | 0.779 | 0.019 | 427.9 · 10-6 |
Rod | 0.065 | 0.076 | 34.7 · 10-6 |
Piston + Wristpin | 0.078 | - (immaterial) | - (immaterial) |
FCinfo also reports the position of the center of mass of the part. We thus learn that the center of mass (CoM) of the crank is located, quite conveniently, approximately at the intersection between the rotation axis of the crankshaft and its symmetry plane. The CoM of the rod is located along the line connecting its two hinges centers, at a distance of circa 52 mm from the piston hinge center.
The piston's length and moment of inertia play no role in this multibody simulation, since the piston does not rotate during its motion.
(To be perfectly honest, the mass of the crankshaft is immaterial for the simulation results, too. You may want to apply it anyway, though, for example to investigate the effects of a crankshaft that is not perfectly balanced. Simply offset the crank CoM from the crankshaft rotation axis.... But I'm going off on a tangent, here.)
We have now exported all the parts that we need we have a collection of 4 .stl
files. My files are the following:
- crank.stl
- rod.stl
- piston.stl
- wristpin.stl
It's time to simulate the MBDyn model and import the simulation results in Blender.
You can find the original MBDyn model here. To take into account the
inertial properties that we have estimated and to facilitate the visualization
in Blender, you can use the slightly modified file slidercrank_r.mbd
that you can find in the test
directory of the repository. After running
the simulation and following the steps in the above sections, choosing to
automatically import all the nodes to the Blender scene, you should end up
with a scene similar to the one in the picture below, when viewed from the
positive z-axis:
The MBDyn simulation was run with a 10-3 s timestep for 10 seconds, resulting in 10000 timesteps. We want to animate the results at 25 fps, so we set 40 (1000/25) in the frequency parameter before importing the results with the "Animate scene" button.
We now have a very simple animation of our model (that we could use to debug the MBDyn input file, for example). We'll use this collection of Blender objects as the skeleton of our animated model. Our next step is now to import the mesh files that we previously converted in FreeCAD.
First of all, click on a new layer in the Blender scene: we'll keep the dressed model completely separated from the skeleton model that we have automatically imported.
Now go to File->Import->Stl (.stl
) and select the crankshaft file. Notice that
FreeCAD uses millimeters as defaults units, while we used meters in MBDyn.
The mesh model that we have just imported has thus to be scaled down by a factor
0.001. You'll get something similar to the following picture:
You'll notice that the internal reference frame of the object used by blender
(the red, green and blue axes that appear when you select the object in Object
mode) is displaced quite a bit from the object mesh. We want this reference
frame (henceforth R.F.) to be coincident with the crank MBDyn node, that is
represented by the empty arrows object called NODE_CRANK
in my scene.
First of all, let's place the internal Blender R.F. in a more convenient place
for us. Hit Tab
to enter in edit mode and you'll notice that the mesh R.F. is
in the center of the mesh. Hit Shift + S
and select "Cursor to Selected" to
move the 3D cursor of Blender to the center of the mesh R.F. Exit edit mode and
hit Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C
and select "Origin to 3D Cursor". The object R.F.
center will be moved. Now you can set the location of the crank object to be (0,
0, 0) in the Transform panel, for convenience.
We want the z-axis of the Blender R.F. to be aligned with the rotation axis of
the crankshaft, and its x-axis to point away from the counterweights. Rotate
the object by -90° about the y-axis and apply the rotation
with Shift + A
. The mesh seems also slightly rotated about the z-axis, so I've
applied a further rotation of -1.8° about z.
Now we want to place the R.F. origin in the correct place with respect to the mesh. Remember that we placed the MBDyn node associated with the crank midway between the crank axis and the crankpin center.
The way I accomplished this is as follows:
into edit mode and select the faces on the outside edge of the crankshaft, as shown in the picture below
- hit
and select "Faces" to delete the faces inside the circle - select the vertices on the circumference again
- hit
to fill the circle with an n-gon - hit
Alt + P
to triangulate the n-gon with a central vertex. - select the central vertex, hit
Shift + S
and select "Cursor to Selected" -
to exit edit mode and hitCtrl + Shift + Alt + C
and then select "Origin to 3D Cursor" - set the location of the object to 0 in x and 0 in y. Leave z as it is.
- set the cursor location to 9.5 mm in x, 0 in y and 0 in z
- hit again "Ctrl + Shift + Alt + C" and select "Origin to 3D Cursor"
You should now have something similar to what is depicted below:
You can follow similar steps to place the Blender reference frames in the correct positions with respect to the meshes. Now we want to assemble the meshes and animate them.
Let's again start from the crank. Select the first layer, where the empties are
located, and select the NODE_CRANK
empty object. Hit Shift + S
and select
Cursor to Selected
. Change layer and select the crank
object. Hit again
Shift + S
and this time select Selection to Cursor
. Now the crank mesh is in
the correct position. Check the orientation of the NODE_CRANK
empty: it says
0° about x, 0° about y and 180° about z. Apply the same rotation to the
object, and we're set. Check that the internal blender R.F. of the
and the NODE_CRANK
empty are now aligned perfectly, by activating
both the layers that we've worked on.
Now deselect all by pressing A
, select the crank
object first and the
empty second (the order is important!) and then hit Ctrl + P
choose Set parent to object
. Now the movement of the crank
object is tied to
the one of the NODE_CRANK
object, that we already imported from MBDyn
results. If you play the animation, you should see the crank rotating about the
z axis.
You can now repeat the process for the rod
and piston
objects. Notice that
you can parent the wristpin
object to the piston
object directly, since
no MBDyn node is associated to that component.
Your Blender scene should now look like this
You can simply play back and forth the animation in Blender, or assign the objects some materials and render the frames into a video file, like I did to generate this .gif:
Happy simulations!