Bot Setup - zander123p/Hoppou-Bot GitHub Wiki
Setting up Hoppou Bot in your server
This guide will assume you've already invited Hoppou Bot into your server and will guide you in how to setup the basic permission layout and commands.
Part 1 - Permissions and Permission Groups
Hoppou Bot uses her own permission system to control her commands meaning that all Discord related permissions will not work for her. To start setting up the permission system, we'll need to make a permission group. To do this simply run the following commands...
/permissions group add [group name]
I'll make a group called admin
/permissions group add admin
Next we'll need some method to add the permission to a user; this can be done with either a role or directly but let's focus on the role for now...
/permissions group role [group name] [@role]
I'll set my group to the role @admin
/permissions group role admin @admin
This will ensure that anyone with the role @admin will have our admin permission group.
Finally, we'll add some permissions to the group, we do this by using the command:
/permissions edit [group name] Permissions
A menu will be created that you can select all permissions you wish the group to use from. Any permission that has a '*' at the end is a master permission for that group and giving someone that permission will grant them access to all commands from that group.
Now what about giving someone limited access to the bot? For that we just need to use the above command but changing 'Permissions' to 'Blacklist'
/permissions edit [group name] Blacklist
This will function the same way as it was with the permissions including the master permissions.
Part 2 - Modules
As of update 2.0, Hoppou Bot makes use of Modules that are simple to enable or disable. Most non-core systems in Hoppou Bot are put into modules like logs, reaction roles, etc. To enable modules use the command:
And select the modules you want to enable from the list.
Important Notice!
Disabling a module will remove all settings applied to it. This may change in the future.
Part 3 - Logs
Oke good job making it this far! Next we're moving on to the logs, using the command /log set [channel]
we can see all the available logs that the bot can use and like with permissions, we can pick all the logs we want the channel to have.
Part 4 - General Commands
Currently the help command is being re-written but by typing '/' you can see all the commands Hoppou Bot can use.