7. Samenvatting - zainablfz/js-fundamentals GitHub Wiki


  • You can create strings with " or '.
  • .length is a property that gives you the length of a string.
  • .toUpperCase() is a function that converts the string to upper case.
  • .toLowerCase() is a function that converts the string to lower case.
  • parentheses () on function calls are required. .length is a property that is already pre-computed; therefore, it does not need parentheses.
  • console.log(...) is used for debugging and is NOT a replacement for return.
  • Square brackets [index] are used to access a specific index from a string.
  • The index starts at 0. So the first character is index 0.
  • You can combine it with the length of a string to get another character in another position.
  • The .at() method allows you to read a character at an index (which can also be negative).
  • A substring is a part or a portion of a string.
  • string.substring(indexStart, indexEnd) is used to return a portion of the string.
  • indexStart: the position of the first character you'd like to include.
  • indexEnd: the position of the first character you'd like to ignore.
  • the indexEnd argument is optional which means you can leave it out.
  • The + operator is used to add 2 numbers
  • The + operator is used to concatenate 2 strings
  • A template string is a string created with the backtick character: `
  • Template strings can span multiple lines Template strings support interpolation with the ${variableName} syntax