2. Addon Settings - zach-morris/plugin.program.iagl GitHub Wiki

Addon Settings

The following sections describe the settings for the addon, as well as the settings that can be defined for each individual game list

If your looking for the quickest way to setup the addon, see here.

IAGL Addon Settings

The following settings are available by selecting add-on settings in Kodi (pressing C or right-clicking on the add-on name within Kodi, then selecting Addon Settings)

  • General Settings
    • Cache Lists to Disk: Selecting this will allow the list to remain in cache for quicker access the next time. It will also save the games you've played in the 'Last Played' category.
    • Enable Memory Cache: Selecting this will allow the current list to remain in RAM for quicker navigating. Don't turn this off unless your computer is a potato.
    • Clean Game Title: Selecting this will clean the game name. For example if the game was called "Super Mario (Rev A) (Japan) (version 1.2.3)" it would show up just as "Super Mario"
    • Archive Listing Convention: Choose how the game lists are presented when the addon opens.
      • Choose from List: Provides a list of choices for browsing
      • Browse All: Provides a list of all available game lists
      • Browse by Category: Groups game lists into browseable categories
    • Game Listing Convention: Choose how the games are presented when a game list is selected.
      • One Big List: Provides a list of all available games
      • Choose from List: Provides a list of choices for browsing
      • Alphabetical: Groups games by first letter in the game title
      • Group by Genre: Groups games by genre
      • Group by Year: Groups games by release year
      • Group by Players: Groups games by number of players
      • Group by Studio: Groups games by release studio
    • Display Naming Convention: Choose what the label is for each game instead of just boring old "Title". Lots of options to choose from. Note however, if you have Cache Game lists enabled, and you change this setting, you will likely have to refresh the archive listing to get the new naming convention to show up properly.
    • Number of Items Per Page: Choose how many games are on each page.
    • Last Played History: Choose the number of previously played games to be saved in history
    • If Game Already Exists Locally: Choose what to do if the game was already found on the local computer.
      • Prompt: Prompts you for what to do if a matching local file is found
      • Do Not ReDownload: Use the local file rather than downloading
      • ReDownload and Overwrite: Download and overwrite, rather than using the local file
    • Default Action for Game: Choose what to do when a game is selected.
      • Show Info Page: Shows game info and options
      • Download Only: Download files, but do not attempt to launch
      • Download and Launch: Download files, and attempt to launch
    • Show Search Item: This will show/hide the Search window option in the addon.
    • Show Random Play Item: This will show/hide the Random Play window option in the addon.
    • Show Play History Item: This will show/hide the Play History window option in the addon.
    • Autoplay Game Trailer: If enabled, and a game trailer is available, it will autoplay in the game info window.
    • Cache Size: Choose how large the temporary game files cache size is for the addon. When the temporary cache folder reaches this size limit, it will be purged. What to choose? See the FAQ here.
    • Enable Login: Some archives on archive.org require user login to access. Enable this and enter your archive.org credentials. WARNING: The username and password are saved in the settings xml with no protection whatsoever. There is no security provided by me or Kodi for your login credentials. As such, I suggest using credentials created solely for archive.org and not linked to any account you deem sensitive.

Also note. Your login credentials are you archive.org user EMAIL and password.

  • External Launchers

    • My System Type: Choose your system type here
    • Close Kodi on Launch: For Windows, OSX, Linux/Kodibuntu you can choose if Kodi should exit before a game is launched. This is helpful for systems that are lightweight and can't support running Kodi and an emulator simultaneously.
    • Retroarch App Location: Point to where Retroarch is installed for Windows, OSX, Linux/Kodibuntu (for OpenElec and Android the location is hard coded).
    • Retroarch System Folder: Point to where the Retroarch "System/BIOS" folder is located (look for this directory in the Retroarch directory settings). This setting is needed in order for IAGL to automate setup for some MAME softlist systems. Set this folder so that it matches what is defined in Retroarch for "System/BIOS" folder.
    • Additional Emulator Type and App Location: Point to where an alternate emulator is installed for Windows, OSX, Linux/Kodibuntu. Currently Supported additional emulators are FS-UAE, MAME, Project64, DeMUL, Dolphin, ePSXe
  • Netplay

    • Enabled/Disabled: Select this to enable Netplay
    • Player Connection Type: Choose to be to the Host or Client or a Spectator
    • Name: Setup the name you'll be listed as during netplay
  • Setup Wizard

    • The Setup Wizard will quickly setup all the archives for your external launching. See the tutorial here.
  • Advanced Settings. Advanced settings should rarely be used!

    • Silence Search and Random Query Warnings: This will disable warnings for search queries that could take a long time. Depending on how fast your computer is, this may or may not be a problem.
    • Enable Editing Post DL Command: This will enable you to change what the addon does to a file after downloading. This is off by default since most people dont need to mess with it. If you do want to change what the addon does to a file after downloading, you can enable this setting.
    • Android Eternal Launch Command Type: You can attempt to send launch commands in different ways on Android. Depending on your user permissions, this may or may not change launch capability on your Android system.
    • Send Android Stop Command: If Retroarch is already running in the background, IAGL will try and close it before trying to launch another game.
    • Stop Media before launch: If a video or audio is already running in Kodi, IAGL will try and stop it from playing before launching a game.
    • Add to IAGL Favorites
      • Use Hyperlinks: When you add an IAGL favorite, it will just be a simple hyperlink to the original list. This is the default, so when you change settings in the original list, then they will also be applicable to your favorite.
      • Copy all data: When you add an IAGL favorite, it will copy all data from the original game list. If you were to change settings in the original list, then they will no be applicable to this favorite.
      • Copy all data and add post DL command: When you add an IAGL favorite, it will copy all data from the original game list and then add a post DL command from the original list. If you were to change settings in the original list, then they will no be applicable to this favorite. Also for games with varied post DL commands, then this will allow them to be in the same list.
    • Set Addon to provide Games: This will set the addon to show up under the Games section in Kodi. This is a Kodi v18 setting only!
    • Set Addon to provide Video. This is the default setting. This will set the addon to show up under the Video section in Kodi.
    • Set Addon to provide Programs. This will set the addon to show up under the Video section in Kodi. Note: I setup IAGL to default as a Video addon (for non-Retroplayer versions of Kodi). This is mainly because the view types available from different Kodi skins are much better for Videos typically than they are for Programs. However, you can setup IAGL however you like.
    • Addon content Type: Is applicable depending on the skin, and will change the viewtypes available in IAGL
    • Unhide all archives: If you've hidden some archives in the past from view, this will unhide all of them.
    • Clear plugin cache: This will clear all the cache.

Game List Settings

The following settings are available for each individual game list. You can edit these options by selecting the desired Game list, then bringing up the context menu in Kodi (pressing C or right-clicking on the Archive XML name within Kodi).

  • Update Metadata: This option will edit various metadata for the list, such as title, plot, etc.

  • Update List Art: This option will edit various art for the list, such as thumbnail, logo, etc.

  • Update Visibility: If you do not want a particular game list to show up, selecting this will 'hide' it.

  • Update Launcher: This option will allow you to change the launcher used for launching games. Default is utilizing RetroPlayer within Kodi, but you can select the option to use an external launcher as well. If external launcher is selected, the External Launcher Command (See Option Below) must be updated to define the external command. See the setup tutorial here on how to use this setting.

  • Update Download Path: This option will edit the save location for files you download from the Archive. Note however that the addon does not monitor the size your alternate save folder.

  • Update Post DL Action: This option is disabled by default. If you have enabled it in the addon settings, then you will be given a list of options for what to do to a file after downloading it. This is usually only used if you want to change what file the addon uses in the launch command. For example, you can change the default 'Unzip File, Point to an M3U file' to 'Unzip File, Point to a CUE file' if you are using an emulator that doesnt support M3U files, but does support CUE files. Note that these functions are highly dependent on the file that is downloaded, so if you are not sure how or if you want to change this, then you probably dont need to mess with it.

  • Update External Launcher Command: If external launching is being utilized, this option will allow you to setup the external launcher command to use in order to start the game. See the setup tutorial here on how to use this setting.

  • Update Default Game Addon: If Kodi Retroplayer is selected (See Option Above), this option will allow you to choose which addon IAGL will use to play the game. By default, this is set to auto, which will provide a popup of possible players.

  • View List Settings: This will show a window detailing the settings for the current game list.

  • Refresh Game List: This will erase any cached for this game list.


  • Add to IAGL Favorites: For games in any particular archive, you can bring up the context menu (pressing C) and select 'Add to IAGL Favorites'. This will prompt you to generate you're own favorites game list, or add the selected game to an already existing Favorites list. You can create as many favorites lists as you like. Think of a favorites list just like a bookmark in your web browser. When you select a game in your favorites list, it will just link you to the game from the original list.

  • Add to Favorites: You can also use the built in Kodi Favorites function just like you would for any video or music file.