0. Installation - zach-morris/plugin.program.iagl GitHub Wiki

To use IAGL, you will need:

1. Kodi


  • Download and install Kodi from here.

RetroPlayer is a new player core for Kodi. It is similar to the video and audio players, but it plays games instead of movies and music. See here for more info. Kodi v19 or newer is recommended for the latest version of IAGL.

2. Retroarch

IAGL can use Retroarch as an external application to launch games. Retroarch installation is optional if you plan on using Kodi to play the games directly. You can also use both Kodi and Retroarch (or any other emulator of choice), and mix and match how the games will be launched (this is the best method since some games work better with an external emulator).


Other emulators you can use that are optional:

3. IAGL Addon


NOTE The addon in the repository is for Kodi v20 now (which includes python > v3 along with updated python functionality). Users of earlier versions of Kodi have to manually install v2.X of the addon from here (there is no more repository for the old version).

Do NOT use a third party installer, build, TVA Link, fusion installer, or other non-official means to install IAGL. Doing so is akin to clubbing baby seals.

Install IAGL in one of these ways:

  • Option 1: Download the repository zipfile from here to install the addon and get automatic updates.


  • Option 2: Download the latest version zipfile from here to install by zipfile. Note, you need to select the zip file link from github and then hit the download button on the right to download the file correctly - github is weird that way.

You would also have to install the dependency script.module.archive_tool from here. This is auto installed if you install from the repository.

Don't know how to install Kodi addons? See info here on how to install a repository or an addon in Kodi.

4. Setup

Now that you've installed everything you need, move on to setup.