unistd - z88dk/z88dk GitHub Wiki


| Include | #include <unistd.h> |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Header | {z88dk}/include/_DEVELOPMENT/sccz80/unistd.h | | | {z88dk}/include/_DEVELOPMENT/sdcc/unistd.h |

Other References:


| NULL | (void*)(0)) | pointer to nothing |
| -----------------------------------------------------------
| | | | | SEEK_SET | 0 | offset is an absolute file position |
| SEEK_CUR | 1 | offset is relative to current file position | | SEEK_END | 2 | offset is relative to EOF |
| | | | | STDIN_FILENO | 0 | fd stdin is attached to |
| STDOUT_FILENO | 1 | fd stdout is attached to |
| STDERR_FILENO | 2 | fd stderr is attached to |


| intptr_t | int | signed integer that can hold a pointer value | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | off_t | long | file offset |
| size_t | unsigned int | used for size of objects |
| ssize_t | unsigned int | used for count of bytes |


int close(int fd)

Clear the file descriptor fd in the file table making the file descriptor available for a newly opened file. Decrease the file's reference count and if it reaches zero, flush and close the file. Return 0 on success and -1 on failure.

If an error occurs, carry flag is set and errno is set to:

  • [EBDFD] if fd is not an open file

int dup(int fd)

Duplicate the file descriptor fd into the first available slot in the file table in numerical order. Returns the duplicate fd on success and -1 on failure.

If an error occurs, carry flag is set and errno is set to:

  • [EBDFD] if fd is not an open file

  • [ENFILE] if the file table is full

int dup2(int fd, int fd2)

Duplicate the file descriptor fd into fd2. If fd2 is associated with an open file, close it first. Returns fd2 on success or -1 on failure.

If an error occurs, carry flag is set and errno is set to:

  • [EBDFD] if fd is not an open file

  • [EBDFD] if fd2 is out of range

void _exit(int status)

Same as _Exit(status)

off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence)

Adjust the file pointer by amount offset according to whence:

| whence | | | ------------- | SEEK_SET | Set the file pointer to offset | | SEEK_CUR | Adjust the current file pointer by signed offset | | SEEK_END | Set the file pointer to the EOF position plus signed offset |

Return the new file pointer position on success or -1 on error.

If an error occurs, carry flag is set and errno is set to:

  • [EBDFD] if fd is not an open file

  • [EINVAL] if whence is invalid

The driver may return other errors.

ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbyte)

Read a maximum of nbyte bytes from the stream and write them into buffer buf. Returns the number of bytes actually read or -1 on error.

If an error occurs, carry flag is set and errno is set to:

  • [EACCES] if fd is not open for reading

  • [EBDFD] if fd is not an open file

The driver may return other errors.

ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbyte)

Attempt to write nbyte bytes from buffer buf to the stream. Return the number of bytes actually written or -1 on error.

If an error occurs, carry flag is set and errno is set to:

  • [EACCES] if fd is not open for writing

  • [EBDFD] if fd is not an open file

The driver may return other errors.

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