stdio - z88dk/z88dk GitHub Wiki

STANDARD I/O (stdio.h)

Header {z88dk}/include/stdio.h
Source {z88dk}/libsrc/stdio
Include #include <stdio.h>
Linking n/a
Compile n/a
Comments These library functions are compiled as part of each target’s implicit library.

These are IO functions defined as part of the C standard with some additions to suit development on Z80 based machines.


Most text reproduced here from another source.((Descriptions for standard functions taken from The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition by Kernighan and Ritchie))

File Operations

FILE *fopen(char *name, unsigned char *mode)

''fopen'' opens the named file, and returns a stream, or NULL if the attempt fails. Legal vales for ''mode'' are:

  • "r" open a file for reading
  • "w" open a file for writing
  • "a" append, open or create a file for writing at the end

Not all targets support the "a" operation, depending on the implementation, files will may be truncated or ''fopen'' may return NULL.

FILE *freopen(char *name, unsigned char *mode, FILE *fp)

''freopen'' opens the file with the specified mode and associats the stream with it. It returns fp or NULL if an error occurs.

int fflush(FILE *)

This function exists purely as a stub in z88dk.

int fclose(FILE *fp)

''fclose'' closes the stream ''fp''.

extern int remove(char *name)

''remove'' removes the named file. It may not be supported for all targets.

int rename(char *s, char *d)

''rename'' renames file ''s'' so that is has the filename ''d''. It may not be supported for all targets.

Character Input and Output Functions

int fgetc(FILE *fp)

''fgetc'' returns the next character of ''fp'' as an unsigned char, or ''EOF'' if end of file or error occurs.

char *fgets(unsigned char *s, int n, FILE *fp)

''fgets'' reads at most the next ''n-1'' characters into the array ''s'', stopping if a newline is encountered; the new line is included in the array which is nul terminated. ''fgets'' returns ''s'', or ''NULL'' if end of file or an error occurs.

int fputc(int c, FILE *fp)

''fputc'' writes the character c on stream ''fp''. It returns the character written or ''EOF'' for error.

int fputs(unsigned char *s, FILE *fp)

''fputs'' writes the stream s on stream ''fp''. It returns non-negative, or ''EOF'' for error.

int gets(char *s)

''gets'' reads the input line into array ''s''. This function should not be used.

int puts(unsigned char *s)

''puts'' writes the string ''s'' and a newline to the stdout.

int ungetc(int c, FILE *fp)

''ungetc'' pushs c back onto the stream ''fp'' where it will be returned on the next read. Only one character of pushback per stream is implemented by z88dk.

Direct Input and Output Functions

int fread(void *ptr, int size, int num, FILE *fp)

''fread'' reads from stream ''fp'' into the array ''ptr'' at most ''num'' objects of size ''size'' returning the number of objects read.

int fwrite(void *ptr, int size, int num, FILE *fp)

''fwrite'' write to stream ''fp'' from the array ''ptr'', ''num'' objects of size ''size'' returning the number of objects read.

File Positioning Functions

int fseek(FILE *fp, fpos_t offset, int whence)

fpos_t ftell(FILE *fp)

int fgetpos(FILE *fp, fpos_t *pos)

int feof(FILE *fp)

Formatted Input and Output Functions

int printf(char *,...)

int fprintf(FILE *,char *,...)

int sprintf(char *,char *,...)

int vsprintf(char *str,unsigned char *fmt,void *ap)

int scanf(unsigned char *fmt,...)

int fscanf(FILE *,unsigned char *fmt,...)

int sscanf(char *,unsigned char *fmt,...)

int vfscanf(FILE *, unsigned char *fmt, void *ap)

int vsscanf(char *str, unsigned char *fmt, void *ap)

Streamlined Console Functions

int fgetc_cons()

int fputc_cons(char c)

int fgets_cons(char *s, int n)

void puts_cons()

void printk(char *fmt,...)

int getk()

Non-standard functions

printn(int number, int radix,FILE *file)

int ltoa_any(long in,unsigned char *str, int sz, unsigned int radix, int signflag)

FILE *fdopen(int fildes, unsigned char *mode)

long fdtell(int fd)

int fdgetpos(int fd, fpos_t *posn)

void closeall()

void fabandon(FILE *)

Internal Functions

int getarg(void)

int fchkstd(FILE *)

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️