Tool z88dk gdb - z88dk/z88dk GitHub Wiki

z88dk-gdb is currently under development


Compile your application with the -debug option:

zcc +zx -debug main.c -create-app -m

Run On Mame emulator

./mame spectrum -window -nomaximize -resolution0 768x576 -debug -debugger gdbstub -debugger_port 1337

Run on Fuse fork for Windows

Start Fuse, select "GDBServer...", select "Enabled"

Run on Fuse fork for Mac

Start Fuse, select "Preferences", select "Debugger", select "Enable GDBServer"

Run on physical hardware

Install spectranet-gdbserver (requires Spectranet), connect to port 1667

Debugging with Visual Studio Code or CLion

See z88dk-gdb-ide-test example

Debugging from command line

z88dk-gdb -h <connect host> -p <connect port> -x <debug symbols>