Platform Sanyo - z88dk/z88dk GitHub Wiki

Sanyo MBC-200, 225, 1200, 1250

Classic library support (+cpm -subtype=mbc200)

  • Native console output
  • Native console input
  • ANSI vt100 engine
  • Generic console
    • Redefinable font
    • UDG support
    • Paper colour
    • Ink colour
    • Inverse attribute
    • Bold attribute
    • Underline attribute
  • Lores graphics
  • Hires graphics (partial support)
  • PSG sound
  • One bit sound
  • Inkey driver
  • Hardware joystick
  • File I/O
  • Interrupts
  • RS232

The Sanyo MBC models are CP/M compatible, so the same base library can be used.

Library extras include the high resolution graphics support (640x400).

Command Line

zcc  +cpm -subtype=mbc200 -create-app program.c

A .imd disc image (including a .COM file) will be created as a result.

Native terminal ESC sequences

All the Sanyo models (including MBC1000/2000/3000, all identified by the SANYO define) share the character set and the basic ESC sequences. The MBC200/1200 models have extra ESC functions and graphics capabilities.

$07 -> BEL $08 -> BS backspace, does NOT touch the right side of the text line $09 -> TAB $0A -> LF $0D -> CR $1A -> CLS

$1B (ESC)

ESC "Q" ESC "K" ESC "A" <<<--- 40 lines mode (not all the text attributes are supported, slow scroll) ESC "F" ESC "C" YY XX ? ESC "=" 32+Y 32+X -> change current text cursor/position (considering 0,0 as top-left position) ESC "S" YY XX -> set pixel ESC "R" YY XX -> reset pixel ESC "T" -> clear text up to end of the current line ESC "I" -> insert line at the current cursor position (scroll down the remaining text) ESC "B" -> delete line at the current cursor position (scroll up the remaining text) ESC "L" #..# ---> Upload custom routine at $2000, lenght follows (MSB/LSB), max 3960 bytes ESC "JP" ---> Jump to custom routine at $2000 ESC "G" ESC "M" <<<--- 33 lines mode (default) ESC "D" -> disable..? ESC "E" -> enable..? ESC "P0" YY XX YY XX ESC "P1" YY XX YY XX ESC "HR" -> get dump data from screen ($7D00 bytes) ESC "HT" n nnnn -> dump data to screen ($7D00 bytes) ESC "N" -> Invert the current picture ESC "?" -> reset terminal (cold reset) ESC "t" 0 -> attributes off ESC "t" 2 -> underline ESC "t" 4 -> Inverse on ESC "t" 6 -> Inverse on "+ underline" ESC "t" 8 -> line on top of the the text

Emulator hints

MAME was recently updated and an issue related to the floppy disk access on drive B been solved, and the overall emulation status is better.

The command line options to boot CP/M and use the created disk image will be something like:

mame mbc200 -flop1 smbc1200.td0

After the CP/M boot, change the virtual floppy disk image (choose A.IMD). In the future drive B will be valid on MAME (-flop2 a.imd)

The file A.COM is built together with the packaged A.IMD

Custom library

The <arch/mbc200.h> header supplies a set of functions that perform non-portable MBC-200 specific behaviour.

Send a byte to the video section (faster than putc)

mbc_sendchar(int chr)

CLS effect (text characters shifted right)


Get a byte from the video section (untested)


Receive a little-endian word from the video section (untested)


Set console cursor position, top-left=(0;0)

mbc_setcursorpos(int x, int y)

Set a single register in the 6845 CRTC

set_crtc_reg(unsigned char register, unsigned char value)

Different Sanyo MBC models and disk formats

zcc is configured to chain appmake for the following disk types:

  • mbc200 or mbc1160 : DSDD 96 tpi 5.25" (with or without mbc200/1200 extras)

  • mbc1100 : DSDD 48 tpi 5.25" (also readable as F: by the MBC200 series)

  • mbc2000 : SSDD 96 tpi 5.25", 8085 CPU

It is possible to use CPMTOOLS to edit existing disk images for the Sanyo MBC computers family

# SAN1 Sanyo MBC-1000/1100/1150 - DSDD 48 tpi 5.25" - 256 x 16 diskdef san1 seclen 256 tracks 80 sectrk 16 blocksize 2048 maxdir 64 skew 3 boottrk 2 os 2.2 end

# Sanyo MBC-1200/1250 - DSDD 96 tpi 5.25" - 256 x 16 # Probably valid also for MBC-250/225/200 # 256 byte sector, 1-16, 1:1, 96 tpi

diskdef san2 seclen 256 # tracks 160 sectrk 16 blocksize 4096 maxdir 128 skew 3 tracks 80 heads 2 sides outback boottrk 4 os 2.2 end

# Sanyo MBC-2000 - SSDD 96 tpi 5.25" - 256 x 16 diskdef san3 seclen 256 tracks 80 sectrk 16 blocksize 2048 maxdir 64 skew 5 boottrk 4 os 2.2 end

# Sanyo MBC-3000 - DSDD 8" - 256 x 26 diskdef san4 seclen 256 heads 2 sides outback sectrk 26 blocksize 4096 maxdir 128 skew 6 boottrk 4 os 2.2 offset 3328 end


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️