Platform OSCA - z88dk/z88dk GitHub Wiki

Old School Computer Architecture

Building applications

Command Line

zcc  +osca -lm -lndos -o program.exe program.c

-- or --

zcc  +osca -lm -lflosdos -o program.exe program.c

-- or --

zcc  +osca -subtype=ansi -lm -lflosdos -o program.exe program.c

The resulting 'a.bin' program can then be renamed to 'application.exe'. Optionally the code can be relocated as specified in the more recent FLOS version by using the '-zorg' parameter.

Extra Options

The OSCA binary format permits to specify a different memory position and to do a memory bank switch before loading.

C source level

#pragma output osca_bank=(0..14)

Set the memory bank for locations > 32768 before loading program

#pragma output osca_stack=`<value>` 

Put the stack in a differen place, i.e. 32767

compiler command line options

zorg=<location> -> Permits to specify the program position

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️