Platform Memotech MTX - z88dk/z88dk GitHub Wiki

Machine Specifications

  • CPU: Z80 @ 4 Mhz
  • VDP: TMS9918/28, 16k VRAM
  • PSG: SN76489
  • RAM: 32k, 64 - 512k

Classic library support (+mtx)

  • Native console output
  • Native console input
  • ANSI vt100 engine
  • Generic console
    • Redefinable font
    • UDG support
    • Paper colour
    • Ink colour
    • Inverse attribute
    • Bold attribute
    • Underline attribute
  • Lores graphics
  • Hires graphics
  • PSG sound (In theory, but may not work)
    • ETracker (SAA tracker)
    • PSG Lib (SN76489)
    • Arkos2 Player (AY)
    • WYZ Player (AY)
    • Vortex tracker (AY)
  • One bit sound
  • Inkey driver
  • Hardware joystick
  • File I/O
  • Interrupts
  • RS232

Quick start

zcc +mtx -create-app -oadventure.bin adv_a.c

An .mtx file is generated which can be loaded using MEMU. Additionally, a .wav file is generated which can be loaded into either Mame or the real hardware.

This memory model works with the MTX512 too, but before loading the user must type:

POKE 64122,0 


To produce a binary that only works on the MTX-512, add the option -startup=2. With this flag, an extra 16k of memory is available for your application.

Extra options

Other options for appmake include a 'turboload' mode (-Cz ––fast) and the MacTX MTB binary format (-subtype=mtb).

Supported libraries

Most of the monochrome graphics lib and most of the MSX stuff are supported, but still experimental.

Serial Port

Support for Serial Port A is enabled by default and can be accessed using the <rs232.h> API. To switch at compile time to Port B add the option: -pragma-define:CLIB_RS232_PORT_B=1

Emulator hints

MESS v0.118b (Aug 11 2007)

This old version of the MESS emulator wasn't yet ready to fully support the WAV tape format but it is able to patch the BASIC LOAD command and directly import a file, provided that the file name is copied in the MESS folder and that it has the same name of the MTX program to be loaded. The default configuration in z88dk creates both the WAV file and the binary program block. This is an example command sequence to build and run the ANSI demo in 64 columns (default) mode.

zcc +mtx  -lndos -create-app -oANSITEST.o -clib=ansi ansitest.c
copy ANSITEST /mess0118/ANSITEST
(run messgui.exe in MTX512 mode)
POKE 64122,0

Recent MESS versions (now grouped into MAME)

(at the moment a bug in the loader in the MTX emulation prevents MAME from loading the WAV files, but the file was tested on the real hardware)

zcc +mtx  -lndos -create-app -oANSITEST.o -clib=ansi ansitest.c
copy ANSITEST.wav /mame/ANSITEST.wav
(move into the 'mame' folder)
mame mtx512 -cass1 ANSITEST.wav
POKE 64122,0
(enable "play" on the virtual cassette recorder)

MEMU MTX emulator

This is probably the easiest way to develop and test for the MTX:

zcc +mtx -create-app -oansitest.o -clib=ansi ansitest.c
copy ansitest.mtx /memu/ansitest.mtx
memu -v ansitest.mtx
POKE 64122,0

Appmake extras

The appmake tool can be run in "dumb" mode to generate the corresponding audio track of some external program.


C:\>appmake +mtx --dumb --audio -b ASTROPAC

Info: Program Name found in header:  ASTROPAC

Stklim: $f8f2
System Variables block length ........... 601 byte(s)
$FACC (prg block length) ................ 993 byte(s)
$FA81 (CALCST): $c001
$FA7B (VARNAM): $c000
Variables block length .................. 1 byte(s)
Extra data: 8576 byte(s), creating one more block

The optional "---fast" flag will produce a non-standard audio track which, even if faster, should be still loadable by the real computer.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️