Docker Demo - ytyou/ticktock GitHub Wiki

We prepare a TickTock Demo in a docker image. With a single command to launch the docker, there will be a fully functional demo in the docker,

  • A TickTock TSDB;
  • A Tcollector collecting OS metrics of the docker and sending to TickTock;
  • A Grafana providing metric dashboards to visualize the metrics.

To run TickTock Demo:

1. You need to install Docker Engine first.

2. Then simply run

docker run -d --name ticktock -p 3000:3000 -p 6181-6182:6181-6182 -p 6181:6181/udp ytyou/ticktock:latest-grafana

Docker command execution example

You can login to the docker as a root, and view processes running there.

   docker exec -u 0 -it <containerId> /bin/bash

Docker Demo: Login container as root

3. To see the pre-built dashboard, point your browser to your docker host at port 3000 (e.g. http://localhost:3000).

The initial username/password is admin/admin.

Docker Demo: Grafana login page

You will be asked to change the password at the first login. Simply skip it if you don't want to. Docker Demo: Grafana login page

4. After login, go to "TickTock Demo" dashboard to see metric panels.

Docker Demo: Grafana Dashboard Docker Demo: Grafana Dashboard 2

The "TickTock Demo" dashboard is initialized with 4 metric panels, i.e., cpu load, memory usage, disk usage, and network usage.

Docker Demo: Grafana Dashboard 3