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Item 4. Call empty instead of checking size() against zero.

empty is a constant-time operation for all standard containers, but for some list implementations, size takes linear time.

Item 5. Prefer range member functions to their single-element counterparts.

Item 7. When using containers of newed pointers, remember to delete the pointers before the container is destroyed.

Item 8. Never create containers of auto_ptrs.

vector and string

Item 13. Prefer vector and string to dynamically allocated arrays.

Many string implementations employ reference counting behind the scenes. a strategy that eliminates some unnecessary memory allocations and copying of characters and that can improve performance for many applications.

Sutter's article. "Optimizations That Aren't (In a Multithreaded World)"

Item 14. Use reserve to avoid unnecessary reallocations.

For vector and string, growth is handled by doing the moral equivalent of a realloc whenever more space is needed.

  1. Allocate a new block of memory that is some multiple of the container's current capacity. In most implementations, vector and string capacities grow by a factor of two each time. i.e. their capacity is doubled each time the container must be expanded.
  2. Copy all the elements from the container's old memory into its new memory.
  3. Destroy the objects in the old memory.
  4. Deallocate the old memory.

The reserve member function allows you to minimize the number of reallocations that must be performed, thus avoiding the costs of real location and iterator/pointer/reference invalidation.

  • size() tells you how many elements are in the container. It does not tell you how much memory the container has allocated for the elements it holds.
  • capacity() tells you how many elements the container can hold in the memory it has already allocated. This is how many total elements the container can hold in that memory, not how many more elements it can hold.
  • resize(size_t n) forces the container to change to n the number of elements it holds. After the call to resize, size will return n.
  • reserve(size_t n) forces the container to change its capacity to at least n. provided n is no less than the current size. (If n is less than the current capacity, vector ignores the call and does nothing, string may reduce its capacity to the maximum of size() and n. but the string's size definitely remains unchanged.)

two common ways to use reserve to avoid unneeded reallocations:

  • The first is applicable when you know exactly or approximately how many elements will ultimately end up in your container.
  • The second way is to reserve the maximum space you could ever need. then, once you've added all your data, trim off any excess capacity.

Item 15. Be aware of variations in string implementations.

Item 16. Know how to pass vector and string data to legacy APIs.

vector<int> v;

void doSomething(const int* pInts, size_t numlnts);

if (!v.empty()) {
    doSomething(&v[0], v.size());
string s;

void doSomething(const char *pString);

// This works even if the string is of length zero.
// C API: this function takes a pointer to an array of at most arraySize
// chars and writes data to it. It returns the number of chars written,
// which is never more than maxNumChars.
size_t fillString(char 'pArray, size_t arraySize);
// create a vector whose size is maxNumChars
vector<char> vc(maxNumChars);
size_t charsWritten = fillString(&vc[0], vc.size());
string s(vc.begin(), vc.begin()+charsWritten);

Item 17. Use "the swap trick" to trim excess capacity.

// shrink-to-fit

class Contestant {...};
vector<Contestant> contestants;

// "make the capacity as small as this implementation is willing to make it given the current size of the container."
string s;
// make s large, then erase most of its character
string(s).swap(s); // do a "shrink-to-fit" on s
vector<Contestant> v;
string s;
// use v and s
vector<Contestant>().swap(v); //clear v and minimize its capacity
string().swap(s); // clear s and minimize its capacity

Item 18. Avoid using vector<bool>.

what should you use when you need a vector<bool>?

  • deque<bool> is an STL container that really contains bools.
  • bitset. If you can live without iterators and dynamic changes in size, you'll probably find that a bit-set will serve you well.

Associative Containers

Item 19. Understand the difference between equality and equivalence.

  • Operationally, the notion of equality is based on operator==.
  • Equivalence is based on the relative ordering of object values in a sorted range. In the general case, the comparison function for an associative container isn't operator< or even less, it's a user-defined predicate.

why the standard associative containers are based on equivalence instead of equality

  • The standard associative containers are kept in sorted order, so each container must have a comparison function (less, by default) that defines how to keep things sorted.


Item 20. Specify comparison types for associative containers of pointers.

It applies equally well to containers of objects that act like pointers, e.g., smart pointers and iterators.

Item 21. Always have comparison functions return false for equal values.

return value of a comparison function indicates whether one value precedes another in the sort order defined by that function. Equal values never precede one another, so comparison functions should always return false for equal values.

  • For set and map: duplicate copies in containers
  • For multiset and multimap: copies cannot be idetified by equal_range, which identifies a range of equivalent values

Technically speaking, comparison functions used to sort associative containers must define a “strict weak ordering” over the objects they compare.

Refer to Austern's 《Generic Programming and the STL》

Item 22. Avoid in-place key modification in set and multiset.

programs that attempt to change the value of a key in these containers won't compile, because the elements in an object of type map<K, V> or multi-map<K, V> are of type pair<const K, V>.

if you do change an element in a set or multiset, you must be sure not to change a key part — a part of the element that affects the sortedness of the container.

  • If portability is not a concern, you want to change the value of an element in a set or multiset, and your STL implementation will let you get away with it. go ahead and do it. Just be sure not to change a key part of the element, i.e., a part of the element that could affect the sortedness of the container.
  • If you value portability, assume that the elements in sets and multisets cannot be modified, at least not without a cast.

Item 23. Consider replacing associative containers with sorted vectors.

Bottom line: storing data in a sorted vector is likely to consume less memory than storing the same data in a standard associative container, and searching a sorted vector via binary search is likely to be faster than searching a standard associative container when page faults are taken into account.

Item 24. Choose carefully between map::operator[] and map-insert when efficiency is important.

map::operator[] is designed to facilitate "add or update" functionality.

// ADD

map<int, Widget> m;
m[1] = 1.50;

// is functionally equivalent to this
typedef map<int, Widget> IntWidgetMap;
pair<lntWidgetMap::iterator, bool> result = m.insert(lntWidgetMap::value_type(1, Widget()));
result.first->second = 1.50;


// we'd be better off replacing our use of operator[] (including its attendant construction plus assignment) with a straightforward call to insert

// use operator[] to update k's value to be v
m[k] = v;

// use insert to update k's value to be v
// this costs us a pair constructor and destructor
m.insert(IntWidgetMap::value_type(k, v)).first->second = v;
template<typename MapType, typename KeyArgType, typename ValueArgtype>
typename MapType::iterator efficientAddOrUpdate(MapType& m,
        const KeyArgType& k,
        const ValueArgtype& v)
    typename MapType::iterator Ib = m.lower_bound(k);
    if (lb != m.end() && !(m.key_comp()(k, lb->first))) {
        lb->second = v;
        return Ib;
    } else {
        typedef typename MapType::value_type MVT;
        return m.insert(lb, MVT(k, v));

Item 25. Familiarize yourself with the nonstandard hashed containers.


Item 26. Prefer iterator to const_iterator, reverse_iterator, and const_reverse_iterator.

some container member functions that take iterators as parameters insist on iterators: const_iterators won't do.

Item 27. Use distance and advance to convert a container's const_iterators to iterators.

typedef deque<int> IntDeque;                   // convenience typedefs
typedef lntDeque::iterator Iter;
typedef lntDeque::const_iterator Constlter;

Constlter ci;                                  // ci is a const_iterator
// make ci point into d
Iter i(d.begin());                             // initialize i to d.begin()
advance(i, distance<ConstIter>(i, ci));        // figure the distance between i and ci (as const_iterators), then move i that distance

Item 28. Understand how to use a reverse_iterator's base iterator.

vector<int> v;
// put 1-5 in the vector
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
// make ri point to the 3
vector<int>::reverse_iterator ri = find(v.rbegin(), v.rend(), 3);
// make i the same as ri's base
vector<int>::iterator i(ri.base());

// erase the element pointed to by
// ri; this should always compile

Item 29. Consider istreambuf_iterators for character-by-character input.

The operator<< functions on which istream_iterators depend perform formatted input, and that means they must undertake a fair amount of work on your behalf each time you call one. They have to create and destroy sentry objects (special iostream objects that perform setup and cleanup activities for each call to operator<<), they have to check stream flags that might affect their behavior (e.g.. skipws), they have to perform comprehensive checking for read errors, and. if they encounter a problem, they have to check the stream's exception mask to determine whether an exception should be thrown. Those are all important activities if you're performing formatted input, but if all you want to do is grab the next character from the input stream, it's overkill.

ifstream inputFile("interestingData.txt");
inputFile.unset(ios::skipws); //disable the skipping of whitespace in inputFile
string fileData((istream_iterator<char>(inputFile)), istream_iterator<char>()};
ifstream inputFile("interestingData.txt");
string fileData((istreambuf_iterator<char>(inputFile)), istreambuf_iterator<char>());


Item 30. Make sure destination ranges are big enough.

When using reserve to improve the efficiency of a series of insertions, always remember that reserve increases only a container's capacity: the container's size remains unchanged. Even after calling reserve, you must use an insert iterator (e.g., one of the iterators returned from back_inserter, front_inserter, or inserter) with an algorithm when you want that algorithm to add new elements to a vector or string.

vector<int> values;
vector<int> results;

results.reserve(results.size() + values.size());
//write the results of the transmogrifications to uninitialized memory
// behavior is undefined!
transform(values.begin(), values.end(), results.end(), transmogrify);

Item 31. Know your sorting options.

In a stable sort, if two elements in a range have equivalent values, their relative positions are unchanged after sorting. partial_sort, nth_element is not stable.

  • If you need to perform a full sort on a vector, string, deque, or array, you can use sort or stable_sort.
  • If you have a vector, string, deque, or array and you need to put only the top n elements in order, partial_sort is available.
  • If you have a vector, string, deque, or array and you need to identify the element at position n or you need to identify the top n elements without putting them in order. nth_element is at your beck and call.
  • If you need to separate the elements of a standard sequence container or an array into those that do and do not satisfy some criterion, you're probably looking for partition or stable_partition.
  • If your data is in a list, you can use partition and stable_partition directly, and you can use list-sort in place of sort and stable_sort. If you need the effects offered by partial_sort or nth_element, you'll have to approach the task indirectly.
    • One indirect approach is to copy the elements into a container with random access iterators, then apply the desired algorithm to that.
    • Another is to create a container of list::iterators, use the algorithm on that container, then access the list elements via the iterators.
    • A third is to use the information in an ordered container of iterators to iteratively splice the list's elements into the positions you'd like them to be in.

resources (time and space) less->more

  1. partition
  2. stable_partition
  3. nth_element
  4. partial_sort
  5. sort
  6. stable_sort

Item 32. Follow remove-like algorithms by erase if you really want to remove something.

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
ForwardIterator remove(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value);

because remove cannot know the container holding the elements on which it is operating, it is not possible for remove to eliminate elements from a container. That explains the otherwise baffling observation that removing elements from a container never changes the number of elements in the container

remove doesn't "really" remove anything, because it can't.

Very briefly, remove moves elements in the range it's given until all the "unremoved" elements are at the front of the range (in the same relative order they were in originally). It returns an iterator pointing one past the last "unremoved" element. The "removed" values aren't necessarily in v any longer at all. remove doesn't change the order of the elements in a range so that all the "removed" ones are at the end, it arranges for all the "unremoved" values to be at the beginning. Though the Standard doesn't require it, the elements beyond the new logical end of the range typically retain their old values.

You should follow remove by erase if you really want to remove something.

vector<int> v;
v.erase(remove(v.begin(), v.end(), 99), v.end());

Passing remove's return value as the first argument to the range form of erase is so common, it's idiomatic. In fact, remove and erase are so closely allied, the two are merged in the list member function remove.

list::remove really removes things

for lists, calling the remove member function is more efficient than applying the erase-remove idiom.

list<int> li; //create a list

// put some values into it

// eliminate all elements with value 99:
// this really removes elements, so li's
// size may change

list::unique really removes adjacent duplicates (also with greater efficiency than would erase-unique).

Item 33. Be wary of remove-like algorithms on containers of pointers.

class Widget{
public:bool isCertified() const;

vector<Widget*> v;
v.push_back(new Widget);

// Memory LEAK!!
v.erase( remove_if(v.begin(), v.end(), not1(mem_fun(&Widget::isCertified))), v.end());
// if *pWidget is an uncertified Widget,
// delete the pointer and set it to null
void delAndNullifyUncertified(Widget*& pWidget)
    if (!pWidget->isCertified()) {
        delete pWidget;
        pWidget = NULL;

// delete and set to null all ptrs to uncertified widgets
for_each(v.begin(), v.end(),

// eliminate null ptrs from v
v.erase(remove(v.begin(), v.end(), static_cast<Widget*>(0)), v.end());

Item 34. Note which algorithms expect sorted ranges.

If you pass a sorted range to an algorithm that also takes a comparison function, be sure that the comparison function you pass behaves the same as the one you used to sort the range.

// create a vector, put some
// data into it
vector<int> v;

// sort it into descending order
sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<int>());

// WRONG: search for a 5 in the vector, assuming it's sorted in ascending order!
bool a5Exists = binary_search(v.begin(), v.end(), 5);

// CORRECT: search for a 5, using greater as the comparison function
bool a5Exists = binary_search(v.begin(), v.end(), 5, greater<int>());

Item 35. Implement simple case-insensitive string comparisons via mismatch or lexicographical compare.

Item 36. Understand the proper implementation of copy_if.

template<typename Inputlterator,
         typename Outputlterator,
         typename Predicate>
Outputlterator copy_if(Inputlterator begin,
                       Inputlterator end,
                       Outputlterator destBegin,
                       Predicate p)
    while (begin != end) {
        if (p(*begin)) *destBegin++ = *begin;
    return destBegin;

Item 37. Use accumulate or for_each to summarize ranges.

// accumulate requires only input iterators, so you can use it even with istream_iterators and istreambuf_iterators

// print the sum of the ints in cin
cout << "The sum of the ints on the standard input is" << accumulate(istream_iterator<int>(cin), istream_iterator<int>(), 0);

Functors, Functor Classes, Functions, etc.

Item 38. Design functor classes for pass-by-value.

function pointers are passed by value. STL function objects are modeled after function pointers, so the convention in the STL is that function objects, too, are passed by value (i.e. copied) when passed to and from functions.

  • First, your function objects need to be small. Otherwise they will be too expensive to copy.
  • Second, your function objects must be monomorphic (i.e., not polymorphic) — they must not use virtual functions.
template <typename T>
class BPFCImpl
    virtual void operator(const T& val) const;
    virtual ~BPFCImpl();
    Widget w;
    int x;

template <typename T>
class BPFC : public unary_functor<T,void>
    void operator()(const T& val) const
        pImpl->operator(val); // forward it to BPFCImpl
    BPFCImpl<T>* pImpl;

Item 39. Make predicates pure functions.

  • A predicate is a function that returns bool (or something that can be implicitly converted to bool).
  • A pure function is a function whose return value depends only on its parameters.
  • A predicate class is a functor class whose operator() function is a predicate, i.e., its operator() returns true or false. As you might expect, any place the STL expects a predicate, it will accept either a real predicate or an object of a predicate class.

Item 40. Make functor classes adaptable.

Item 41. Understand the reasons for ptr_fun, mem_fun, and mem_fun_ref.

Item 42. Make sure less<T> means operator<

Programming with the STL

Item 43. Prefer algorithm calls to hand-written loops.

  • Efficiency: Algorithms are often more efficient than the loops programmers produce.
  • Correctness: Writing loops is more subject to errors than is calling algorithms.
  • Maintainability: Algorithm calls often yield code that is clearer and more straightforward than the corresponding explicit loops.

Item 44. Prefer member functions to algorithms with the same names.

  • First, the member functions are faster.
  • Second, they integrate better with the containers (especially the associative containers) than do the algorithms.

STL algorithms determine whether two objects have the same value by checking for equality, while associative containers use equivalence as their "sameness" test.

For the standard associative containers, then, choosing member functions over algorithms with the same names offers several benefits.

  • First, you get logarithmic-time instead of linear-time performance.
  • Second, you determine whether two values are "the same" using equivalence, which is the natural definition for associative containers.
  • Third, when working with maps and multimaps, you automatically deal only with key values instead of with (key-value) pairs.


  • Each of the algorithms that list specializes (remove, remove_if, unique, sort, merge, and reverse) copies objects, but list-specific versions copy nothing: they simply manipulate the pointers connecting list nodes.
  • list's remove, remove_if, and unique member functions honestly get rid of elements: no subsequent call to erase is necessary.
  • the sort algorithm can't be applied to lists. Being only bidirectional iterators, list's iterators can't be passed to sort.
  • the merge algorithm can't be applied to lists. The algorithm isn't permitted to modify its source ranges, but list-merge always modifies the lists it works on.

Item 45. Distinguish among count, find, binary_search, lower_bound, upper_bound, and equal_range.

If you have an unsorted range, your choices are count or find.

count and find algorithms both search using equality, while binary_search, lower_bound, upper_bound, and equal_range employ equivalence.

To test for the existence of a value in a sorted range, use binary_search.

If you have a sorted range and your question is, "Is it there, and if so, where is it?" you want equal_range.

equal_range returns a pair of iterators, the first equal to the iterator lower_bound would return, the second equal to the one upper_bound would return (i.e., the one-past-the-end iterator for the range of values equivalent to the one searched for), equal_range, then, returns a pair of iterators that demarcate the range of values equivalent to the one you searched for.

First, if the two iterators are the same, that means the range of objects is empty: the value wasn't found.

vector<Widget> vw;
sort(vw.begin(), vw.end());
typedef vector<Widget>::iterator VWIter;  // convenience typedefs
typedef pair<VWIter, VWIter> VWIterPair;

VWIterPair p = equal_ range(vw.begin(), vw.end(), w);
if (p.first != p.second) {
// if equal_range didn’t return an empty range
// found it, p.first points to the first one and p.second points to one past the last

} else {
// not found, both p.first and p.second point to the insertion location for the value searched for

The second thing to note about equal_range's return value is that the distance between its iterators is equal to the number of objects in the range, i.e., the objects with a value equivalent to the one that was searched for.

VWIterPair p = equal_range(vw.begin(), vw.end(), w);
cout << "There are " << distance(p.first, p.second) << " elements in vw equivalent to w.";

lower_bound answers the question: "Is it there? If so, where is the first copy, and if it's not, where would it go?"

upper_bound is also useful if you want to insert things into a sorted range so that objects with equivalent values are stored in the order in which they were inserted.

class Person {
        const string& name() const;

struct PersonNameLess: public binary_function<Person, Person, bool> {
    bool operator()(const Persons lhs, const Person& rhs) const
        return <;

list<Person> Ip;

Person newPerson;
lp.insert(upper_bound(lp.begin(), lp.end(), newPerson, PersonNameLess()), newPerson);

Item 46. Consider function objects instead of functions as algorithm parameters.

Item 47. Avoid producing write-only code.

write-only code: it's easy to write, but it's hard to read and understand.

Item 48. Always #include the proper headers.

  • Almost all the containers are declared in headers of the same name, i.e., vector is declared in . list is declared in , etc. The exceptions are <set> and <map>. <set> declares both set and multiset, and <map> declares both map and multimap.
  • All but four algorithms are declared in <algorithm>. The exceptions are accumulate, inner_product, adjacent_difference, and partial_sum. Those algorithms are declared in <numeric>.
  • Special kinds of iterators, including istream_iterators and istreambuf_iterators, are declared in <iterator>.
  • Standard functors (e.g., less<T>) and functor adapters (e.g., not1, bind2nd) are declared in <functional>.

Item 49. Learn to decipher STL-related compiler diagnostics.

Item 50. Familiarize yourself with STL-related web sites.

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