loot (待分配) - yilinmo/rotrl GitHub Wiki

Painting from Renowned Magnimar Artist Andosalu, worth 600gp Scroll of Lightning blot, 375gp Scroll of keen edge, 375gp a Pearl ring, worth 300gp Adamantine longsword(masterwork), 3000gp hat of disguise, 1800gp 20pp, 56gp You also find the corpse of notorious one-armed bandit Shaz "Redshiv" Bilger, partially eaten by the bat. Proof of his demise presented to the law at Magnimar is worth 500gp reward.

Aldern身上:+1 leather armor, +1 war razor(short sword), Boots of Striding and Springing , ring of protection +1,ring of jumping 另外他头上带着一副人皮做成的面具。

面具的描述: This mask is crafted from leathery preserved sections harvested from several different human faces, draped one over another almost like scales and leaving the eyes and mouth exposed—the overall effect is similar to that of a scaled skull.

身上的贵族服装已经被你们砍的不成样子了,但是如果用技能或者法术修补(make whole)好应该还是很值钱的。(200gp)


房间内的loot: 桌上有一个银色的钥匙环(10gp),上面挂了两把钥匙:一把是铁质的,上面镶嵌了一颗宝石(100gp)。另一把是铜质的,上面刻着一个正在咆哮的狮子头。

房间里的画画的是Aias击杀goblin的样子,但是画的非常拙劣,你估计就是Aldern自己画的。但是画布上似乎本来有一幅画,然后Aldern在上面又 画了一幅。(DC25 craft清除Aldern的画)





You have served us quite well. The delivery you harvested from the caverns far exceeds what I had hoped for. You may consider your debt to the Brotherhood paid in full. Yet still, I have need of you and when you awaken from your death, you should find your mind clear and able to understand this task more than in the state you lie in as I write this.

You shall remember the workings of the Sihedron ritual, I trust. You seemed quite lucid at the time, but if you find after your rebirth that you have forgotten, return to your townhouse in Magnimar. My agents shall contact you there soon - no need for you to trouble the Brothers further. I shall provide you with a list of the proper victims for the Sihedron ritual in two day's time. Commit that list to memory and then destroy it before you begin your work. The ones I have selected must be marked before they die, otherwise they do my master no good and the greed in their souls will go to waste.

If anyone gets in your way, you may do with them as you please. Eat them, savage them or turn them into your pawns - it matters not to me.

  • Xanesha, Mistress of the Seven