Xanesha Sister Letter - yilinmo/rotrl GitHub Wiki

#Xanesha姐姐的信 简单的说,就是Xanesha是个更牛逼的boss,盘踞在Turtleback Ferry的Rannick城堡。与Xanesha这种谋杀已有罪恶的人的方法,他姐姐似乎是用更有效的培育的方法。但总归的意思就是两点

  • Turtleback Ferry的Rannick城堡 有个大黑门 待踢
  • Lord Mayor 这个贪婪的老东西 我们给他报信,应该有赏




你现在还是用那种残忍的在尸体上刻画Sihedron符号的老旧办法么?我现在用的是更优雅的法子。当然,我相信你认为你这种直接去“打野”的方法获得罪灵还是一种有效的法子,我只是希望,你这种未经精心培育的,低质量的灵魂,也能很好的和我这边培育的精华很好的互动融合就好了。总之,如果任何时候你厌倦了你那谋杀的小计划,随时欢迎来Turtleback Ferry找我,作我的助手。 当你收到这封信的时候Rannick城堡应该已经囊入我的麾下了,因此,无论如何我都有足够的地方款待你的。

哦,差点忘了,你的那个Lord Mayor成功收割了没有啊,不管怎样他可是Magnimar最有价值的罪恶灵魂了,我猜他或许还能和我培育的高级货一比上下呢。

English Version

My Sister,

I trust your little band of murderers is doing well, gathering the greedy souls needed for our Lord's rise? Has Magnimar proven to be as sinful as you had hoped? It may interest you to know that my plan to nurture greed in this backwater has blossomed--the quality of greed in a soul is so much more refined when given the proper care.

Are you still simply carving the Sihedron on them as they expire? How crude! My method of marking is so much more elegant. In any event, I am sure your plans for harvesting greed where and when you can find it "in the wild" are progressing well enough--I just hope that your raw ungroomed, and likely inferior victims don't interact poorly when mixed with the purity of my subjects. If you tire of your little project there, know that you're always welcome to come to Turtleback Ferry and serve as my assistant, little sister! Fort Rannick should be in our control by the time you receive this letter, in any event, so there'll be plenty of room for you if you choose to take me up on my generous offer.

Oh! Before I forget! Have you managed to harvest that Lord Mayor yet? By all accounts he might just be the cream of the crop in Magnimar--his soul might even rival several from my hand-grown harvest!