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Level 9 Fighter 8/Brawler 1, Dwarf, Male, True Neutral

Ability Detail
Str 22 17+2(Lv)+1(CP)+2(Belt)
Dex 15 14+1(CP)
Con 16 14+2(Race)
Int 10 9+1(CP)
Wis 12 10+2(Race)
Cha 6 7-2(Race)+1(CP)

HP 97 = 10+51(roll)+9x3(Con)+9(FC) Speed Land 20
BAB +9/+4
Initiative +2 = +2(Dex)


Type Attack Threat Damage
Melee Scimitar+2 +19/+14 = +9/+4(BAB)+6(Str)+2(W)+1(WT)+1(WF) 15-20/x2 (Improved Critical) 1d6+11 = 6(Str)+2(W)+2(WS)+1(WT)
TWF Scimitar+2 +17/+12 = +9/+4(BAB)+6(Str)+2(W)+1(WT)+1(WF)-2(TWF) 15-20/x2 (Improved Critical) 1d6+11 = 6(Str)+2(W)+2(WS)+1(WT)
TWF Shield Spike+1 +14 = +9(BAB)+6(Str)+1(W)-2(TWF) 20/x2 1d6+6(Str)+1(W)
Ranged MW Longbow +12/+7 = +9/+4(BAB)+2(Dex)+1(MW) 20/x3 1d8
** +4 to confirm critical


AC Detail
AC 25 10+10(Armor)+2(Shield)+2(Dex)+1(Natural)
Touch 12 10+2(Dex)
Flat-Footed 23 10+10(Armor)+2(Shield)+1(Natural)
Comment: +4 dodge against gaint

Combat Maneuver

CMB Detail
CMB, w/ weapon 19 9(BAB)+6(Str)+2(Weapon)+1(Weapon Training)
CMB, w/o weapon 15 9(BAB)+6(Str)
CMD 27 10+9(BAB)+6(Str)+2(Dex)
CMD, Flat-Footed 25 10+9(BAB)+6(Str)
*Comment: +4 against bull rush and trip

####Save throws

Save Value Situational
Fort +12 = +6+2(Base)+3(Con)+1(Cloak)
Ref +7 = +2+2(Base)+2(Dex)+1(Cloak)
Will +4 = +2+0(Base)+1(Wis)+1(Cloak)
Comment 1: +2 against poison, spell and sp ability (Dwarf)
Comment 2: +2 against fear

Bravery (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.


Skill Value Situational
Climb 14 = 9(Rank)+3(Class)+6(Str)-4(ACP)
Handle Animal 2 = 1(Rank)+3(Class)-2(Cha)
Intimidate 2 = 1(Rank)+3(Class)-2(Cha)
Ride 2 = 1(Rank)+3(Class)+2(Dex)-4(ACP)
Survival 11 = 7(Rank)+3(Class)+1(Wis)
Swim* 6 = 1(Rank)+3(Class)+6(Str)-4(ACP)
Total skill ranks 18/18 = (8 Level) x 2 + 1 x 4

Greed: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on Appraise skill checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.

Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.


Class Detail
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Armor Training (Ex) +2 (lv 3, 7, 11, 15)
Weapon Training (Ex) +1 (lv 5, 9, 13, 17). Blades, Heavy
Armor Mastery (Ex) lv19, DR 5/— whenever with armor or shield
Weapon Mastery (Ex) lv20, one weapon auto-confirm criticals, dam x +1. Cannot be disarmed
Brawler's Cunning (Ex) Consider isn't as 13 for all combat feats
Martial Flexibility (Ex) move to gain a combat feat, 4 per day for 1 min each
Martial Training (Ex) total brawler levels as both fighter levels
Unarmed Strike (Ex) Improved Unarmed Strike, can use fists, elbows, knees, and feet
Feats Detail
Two-Weapon Fighting AB-2/-2
Weapon Focus (Scimitar) AB+1
Power Attack AB-3, DAM+6 (BAB +1/+4/+8/+12/+16)
Weapon Specialization (Scimitar) DAM +2
Improve Shield Bash Does not lose shield AC bonus when using shield bash
Combat Reflexes +2 AOs (Dex)
Double Slice Off-hand use full strength
Lunge Reach +5 ft, -2 AC
Improved Critical (Scimitar) Critical range doubles
Critical Focus +4 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical


Slot Item Weight
Armor +1 Full Plate 50
Shield +1 Light Wooden w +1 Spike 10
Shoulders Resistance Cloak +1 1
Neck Natural Armor +1 -
Chest Bane Baldric 1
Belt Giant Strength +2 1
Ring Platinum ring -
+2 Scimitar 4
Mwk Scimitar 4
Scimitar, Cold Iron 4
Longbow 3
Arrow*20 3
Total 81