Sunk Ship of Paradise - yilinmo/rotrl GitHub Wiki


  • Fort Rannick的人已经有一段时间没来过Turtleback了。Turtleback排的去Fort Rannick的搜寻队也都失踪掉了,不见踪影。
  • 这场雨已经下了有几周了。
  • Turtleback本来是一个平静又无趣的小镇。但是前一阵子开了一个赌场,在Claybottom Lake的一艘叫做Paradise的船上。很多人都上去赌博消遣。可是大约几周之前,Paradise突然沉默,船上的十几名赌徒也被淹死了。

译文: “你们想聊天堂号(Paradise)?我同意她沉了是个悲剧。但是你知道吗,我觉得我们也终于甩掉了一个包袱。我知道在背后诅咒别人不好,但是我希望那个叫卢克莱西亚(Lucrecia)的荡妇也沉到湖底了。成天挺着大胸在镇上晃来晃去,还不时露出她的大腿……那种走法可能在柯沃萨(Korvosa)会很受欢迎,但是我们这里都是有修养的绅士! 如果是沉船的原因是伊拉斯蒂尔(Erastil)对她所有罪行的审判,我一点也不会惊讶!老板似乎对Paradise有很多意见,也许是赌场抢了他的一些生意吧。

原文: "You want to ask about Paradise? Paradise sunk-it's a tragedy, I 'll agree. But know what? Good riddance, I say. I know it ain't nice to wish ill on no one, but I hope that strumpet Lucrecia's at the bottom of the lake as well. Tartin' around town with her chest all pushed out and flashing leg with every other step .... That type of walk might go over well down in Korvosa, but we're respectable folk here! Wouldn't be surprised to find out Paradise sunk on account of her bringing down Erastil's judgment on the whole sinful lot of 'em!"


村民一:黑马格(Black Magga), 传说中斯托瓦尔迪普(Storval Deep)湖里的怪兽并不是一直都在那个湖里。传说她会不时通过水下通道来到灰底(Claybottom)湖内吃打渔人!我认为一定是她来湖里面把天堂号(the Paradise)上面哪些恶心的罪人们都吞了。

村民二:今年的雨来得比往年更早一些。如果还不快停的话,我想我的庄稼可都要被淹没了。上次雨下得这么早的时候,我们就被洪水淹了,那是大概40多年前吧? 后来才发现原来背后是一个女巫在作怪,她原计划是想用这些雨把我们全部变成青蛙或者其他东西

村民三:最近不断有人在失踪。不光是那些进到林子深处的人,包括打渔人、旅行者,还有那些路人。我认为绝对是格罗尔(Grauls)一家干的!他们家有食人魔的血脉!一旦留着食人魔的血 …… 总之,一定是不对的!

村民四:有一群从盆打卡(Pendaka)来的打渔人一周前被粉色眼睛的加尔(Pinkeye the Gar)吃掉了。谁让这帮笨蛋去抓一条比他们的船还要大的鱼呢?

村民五:几个月前听说,在开始雨季开始之前,有一些勇敢的猎人在断树谷(The Valley of Broken Trees)里面找到了一些巨大的足印。巨人脚大小的足印啊!我们这附近有食人魔就已经够惨了,如果一个巨人搬进了山谷里,我当然希望黑箭(Black Arrow)守卫们能快点料理这事。

村民六:哪些住在胡克山(Hook Mountain)上食人魔是造成这么多雨的原因。他们确实雇了一条龙在天上飞来飞去,造成了暴风雨!


村民八:没有人相信我,但是我认为黑箭(Black Arrow)的头儿-备登(Bayden)-在湖对岸干一些坏事。我曾经看到多次进出白柳树(Whitewillow)沼泽,我有朋友也看到了。 我觉得他肯定没进去干好事。沼泽里面不可能有什么友好的生物!


Black Magga, the monster of the Storval Deep, doesn't stay in that lake. Underwater tunnels connect it to Claybottom Lake, and she comes down here to eat fishermen now and then! I 'm sure that's what happened to the Paradise——Black Magga came down and gobbled up all those filthy sinners!

The rains came early this year. Gonna flood out my crops if they don't let up soon. Last time it rained this early this much, we got floods. That were, what, 40-some years ago? Turned out there were a witch behind it all-she were tryin' to turn us all into frogs or somethin' with all the rain!

People been disappearin' lately. And not just them who's been going into the deep woods. I 'm talkin' fishermen, travelers, people just out on the roads. My money's on them Grauls-that family's got ogre blood in them, and once you get ogre blood in you ... you just ain't right!

Heard a bunch of fishermen from Pendaka got themselves eaten by Pinkeye the Gar a week ago. Serves the fools right for tangling with a fish bigger than their boat!

Heard a few months ago, before all these rains started, that some of the hunters who brave the Valley of Broken Trees for boar found a bunch of enormous footprints. Giant-sized footprints! It's bad enough we've got ogres, but if a giant's moved into the valley, I sure hope the Black Arrows take care of it soon!

The ogres up on the Hook are the cause of all the rain. They done recruited a dragon or something to fly around in the clouds and stir up the storms!

So I noticed my uncle had a weird star-shaped tattoo on his shoulder the other day. I asked him about it, and he just got all angry and tol' me to mind my own. Thing is, though ... that ain't the first time I seen that kinda tattoo. Lots folks got 'em here. They hide 'em good enough, but you keep an eye out, you'll see one on an ankle or arm or back here and there, sure enough. I don't got one, though, I tell you! Tattoos is sinful business!

No one believes me, but that leader of the Black Arrows- Bayden's his name, I think-he's got something going on over across the lake. I seen him com in' and gain' from Whitewillow, and so's my friends. I 'm pretty sure he's up to no good. Nothing friendly lives in swamps, after all!