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The goddess Shelyn, the Eternal Rose

Shelyn (读射林)是艺术,美丽,爱和音乐的女神,也是Zon-Kuthon同母异父的姐妹。她最早只是一个主管艺术,美丽,爱和音乐的较小的神祇,但是后来随着她母亲Thron,也就是前爱之女神的毁灭,Shelyn得到了她母亲的领域。Shelyn不仅继续专注于美丽和与其相关的艺术和音乐,还把她母亲狭义的爱发展成为更为丰满的包罗复杂感情的感情。

历史 Shelyn女神生为Thorn的女儿,在先神们(包括她同母异父烦人兄弟Dou-Bral) 囚禁了Rovagug 并同意把人性隐藏起来之后,曾近有一段时间她和Dou-Bral分享美丽,爱情和艺术的领域并被Early Taldans崇拜,直到他们之间发生了争执,Dou-Bral离开了Golarion去往远方位面中的黑暗中。

当Dou-Bral回到Golarion的时候,他已经变成了破坏,痛苦和折磨之神:Zon-Kuthon。 Shelyn相信Dou-Bral仍然有一部分精神存在于Zon-Kuthon之中,于是伸出双臂迎接他,但是他缺用黑色的爪子刺穿了她的手。 当他们的母亲Thron欢迎他归来的时候, Zon-Kuthon囚禁并折磨了这个狼魂。因为对Shelyn和她的作品的这些罪行和其他可怕的行径,Golarion的众神把Zon-Kuthon放逐到了阴影位面。他将永远住在那个可怕的地方,直到海枯石烂。Shelyn为了救赎她的兄弟,偷了他那被亵渎的武器,魂之轻语者。但是即使这样,最终她也没能把他感召回来,她保留了这把大砍刀,以纪念他们的同胞之情,虽然这把武器已经被严重的负能量所影响。

Shelyn was worshipped by the ancient Azlanti as patron of the arts. She would send lillends to devout communities to serve as muses.

Later, presumably after the Age of Darkness, the siblings quarreled again. Zon-Kuthon responded to Shelyn's tears and her pleading with violence, until she wrested his weapon, a golden glaive, away from him, and a tenuous peace of silence and avoidance was established.


Beauty Before she became the goddess of love, Shelyn was flighty and shallow. Since discovering the capacity intelligent beings have for loving people and things that lack beauty, she tends to look for beauty in everyone and everything. "Beauty comes from within" is a relatively recent saying she introduced to Golarion, and it is a philosophy she not only practices herself, but she requires from her clerics. In this way, it is quite possible for a physically unattractive person to become a cleric of the goddess of beauty.

Shelyn focuses just as much attention on internal beauty as external, and she is considered also to have the most beautiful personality, which changed greatly when she became goddess of love. While lesser beauties might inspire jealousy in those who see them, she does not; nor does she herself feel jealous when another receives attention. She encourages the growth and appreciation of beauty, regardless of its source or admirers, and thus she is never jealous. She surrounds herself with flowers, colorful birds, artworks, and other things of beauty.

She never uses her beauty as a weapon and she punishes that sort of behavior in her followers. Shelyn gently and kindly rejects all potential suitors. Some call her the Eternal Maiden, while others claim she is the lover of several gods, goddesses, and lesser beings; the truth is unknown. Darker rumors put her in the bed of her half-brother, but such whispered rumors never persist for very long, as Zon-Kuthon does not tolerate such things.

Art and music As aspects of her role as goddess of beauty, Shelyn also promotes the creation of art and the composing and performance of music. The art or music need not be particularly well done, just so long as the creator puts in effort. A naturally-talented person who does not try yet still makes beautiful art is appreciated, but not as much as an ungifted artist who struggles for days to create something mediocre. A naturally-talented person who fails to try and creates something mediocre is shunned by Shelyn (and by extension, her clergy). Clerics of Shelyn frequently are artists themselves, although those with little talent more often become art critics or collectors.

Shelyn herself has an extensive collection of artwork, mostly gifts from potential suitors or worshipers, most of which portray her. She also has a massive collection of violins and a secret collection of glaives.

Love As the goddess of love, Shelyn encourages the proliferation of that feeling in all its forms. She is not the goddess of sexuality, lust, or fertility, and makes a very clear distinction between love and sexuality, although she does not in any way discourage erotic love. She also tends to promote relationships that are not based solely on physical attraction.[3] The few paladins who worship her practice courtly love, with female paladins attempting to win the attentions of attractive young noblemen (or sometimes, attractive young noblewomen). Shelyn and her clerics treat love shared between people of the same gender the same as that shared by people of opposite genders.

Her continuing love for her brother, despite his many shortcomings, inspires her followers to persevere in the face of strong opposition.


An artist's depiction of the eternal conflict between Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon Zon-Kuthon When they first came into being, so very long ago, their mutual parent forced Zon-Kuthon to swear an oath to the forces of Law. Zon-Kuthon swore that he would never harm Shelyn, nor would he stand by if others tried to harm her in his presence. In exchange for making the oath, he received the glaive, Whisperer of Souls.[citation needed]

To this day, clerics of Zon-Kuthon never harm known clerics of Shelyn—doing so results in harsh punishments that do not end with death—but sometimes they actually try to protect such clerics. This behaviour earns them divine rewards. For their part, clerics of Shelyn return the favor by looking the other way when they meet known clerics or cultists of Zon-Kuthon. The exception to this rule is if the clerics or cultists are obviously harming innocents, defacing art, or otherwise being unforgivably evil. This arrangement might seem like a serious drawback for Zon-Kuthon, as other evil deities might take advantage of it to put him into a difficult position. However, no gods ever really move against Shelyn or her clergy.

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