deployment - ybouz2/project-tech GitHub Wiki

Now that everything is done it is time to deploy the web app to a hosting service. There are several options available, but our web application is made with Node.js, so we need a hosting service that supports this language.

School did recommended 2 options for deployment:

Lets compare them



Heroku is a software and hardware tool


  • Simple and fast app deployment, you can connect with github.
  • Developers can shift focus from infrastructure to application coding.
  • Free option
  • Supports different coding languages.


  • No virtual private server
  • Further deployments are slow

Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean is a cloud-based service


  • Beginner-friendly
  • Extensive Tutorials/Guides
  • Good API
  • Flexible backup mechanism


  • You have to pay, or have a github Pro account.
  • Setup is not that fast
  • Limited Locations, compared to others

My choice

I didn't had a lot of time to do a big research on deployment because of the deadlines coming up but because Heroku is free and a lot of students chose for Heroku I also chose Heroku so that when i'm stuck and don't know what to do i can ask questions to the students that allready did deploy their webapp.
