Job Stories & Requirements - ybouz2/project-tech GitHub Wiki

Job Stories

  • When I'm looking for a babysitter, I want to be able to create an account so that I can indicate what you're looking for and on which days so that you have a good babysitter for your children and you can match yourself.
  • When I log in I don't want to have to log in again.
  • If I have forgotten my password, I would like to be able to create/request a new password.
  • When I create an account, I prefer to be ready as soon as possible so that I can quickly start looking for a babysitter.


Must Haves

  • Log in feature.
  • Register feature
  • Delete Account

Should Haves

  • Good validation on the forms

Could Haves

  • Profile managment (Add profile pictures etc.)
  • Password forgotten, make new password.