Ideas & Concepts - ybouz2/project-tech GitHub Wiki

My ideas

During the lecture i started brainstorming on what kind of ideas i find interesting. First i started to think about some subjects and then i started to thing about who i could match with eachother within the subject. this are the ideas that came out:

  • Sport: Matching sport buddies.
  • Gaming: Match game buddies.
  • Daycare: Match babysitters to parents.
  • Music Industry: Matching producers with artists.
  • Work: Matching employers to employees.

My choice

Match babysitters to parents.

With this you can find the Nanny that will fit your child and your needs, you can search for yourself or you can let the app match you with a Nanny. You can first chat with the Nanny before you decide to let them babysit your child and you can also see reviews of other parents.

Target Audience

New Generation Parents (NGP)

NGP believe that their life does not end with having a child. According to Renders and Cornut, the authors of the book #parentfriendly marketing (aff.), the last few years have seen a trend break in how parents do it today.

In the book Renders and Cornut explain the term 'New Generation Parents': “NGPs are mainly higher-educated dual earners, the early adopters among the parents. They are between the ages of 25 and 34, have children between the ages of 0 and 14.”

These parents don't want to miss anything (they suffer from fomo) and have a lot of choices in their lives. People are having children at an increasingly later age, which means that they have already built up a full and social life. And this life (full of coffee bars, festivals and sports festivities) they want to keep.

NGPs want to get more out of life than just being a father or mother. This group breaks with traditions, behaviors and expectations, which are very similar to millennials (but people over 40 can also be NGPs).


source: Frank Watching