Feature & Benchmark - ybouz2/project-tech GitHub Wiki


The feature I want to focus on within this concept is Registering and being able to login. It should be simple to create an account so this should be possible with a photo username and password.

So what needs to be done is to check whether the username already exists. If not, the account can be created. If not, the user gets the feedback that the username already exists. When the user logs in and the username and/or password is wrong, the user should also be notified. When the user has registered his account, he must be logged in immediately in order to get started as quickly as possible. The user must then also be able to delete his/her account.

If I have time left, I also want to add extra parts on the profile page so that the user can complete the profile.


I looked around a bit to see if there are already existing matching applications that also work with babysitters. I found out that there are applications and websites that link you to a babysitter, but you are not just linked but you can just see profiles of babysitters. Many companies that do this also come from the Netherlands such as (Charly Cares, Babysits, etc.).

When I searched for a matching app for babysitters, a news article about Charly Cares came up immediately. This is an online booking app for a nanny. Here you can find babysitters who have first passed a screening of Charly Cares.

I was able to get a lot of inspiration from this and to think further about my concept.

Charly Cares App
