CLI - ybouz2/project-tech GitHub Wiki


A CLI (Command Line Interface) is an interface that consists only of text, you write code in wich contain commands. You do this in a terminal, this can be a separate app, but in the text editor that i use (VS Code) it is allready built-in. You can immediately see what is happening.

The advantage of a CLI is that you can give much more detailed commands. The downside is that the CLI has a much steeper learning curve.

Commands of an CLI

Here is a list of commands that I've used during my project:

  • cd: 'change directory' it is literally, with this you search in your folders/files
  • cd ..: to step back in your folders
  • ls -ls : you will get a list of all the files and folders there is in that directory with all the details
  • touch: create a new file
  • mkdir : create a new folder
  • rm: delete a file or folder

These are all commands that work in the terminal but they work to manage your folders or files, There are also commands to work with git:

  • git clone: wiki or repo clone to an environment
  • git add ("file name or ."): to access a file or all (.)
  • git commit -m "name what you did": create a commit with a message
  • git push: send files to the repository
  • git pull : get files from the repository
  • git status: what happened to files

You can also download packages on express with the command line and start your node.js application this is done by the following:

  • npm start: start application
  • npm install 'Name of the package ': install a package