x509v3_config OPENSSL - yar145/mytestrepo1 GitHub Wiki


Several OpenSSL commands can add extensions to a certificate or certificate request based on the contents of a configuration file and CLI options such as -addext.

Example OpenSSL Configuration File

Manually Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Using OpenSSL

Manipulating ssl certificates

Manipulating ssl certificates

Testing ssl cert from server

To find out if the https or other ssl-enabled service is serving the right certificate, you can use openssl as a client and pull down the ssl cert.

printf '\n' | openssl s_client -connect ipa.example.com:443

And observe the output for the certificate information.

To test SNI, add the parameter -servername myurl.example.com.

Reference: weblink 6 https://major.io/2012/02/07/using-openssls-s_client-command-with-web-servers-using-server-name-indication-sni/

Certificate subject X.509 IETF PKIX (latest version RFC 5280) is a well accepted profile for certificates. From section, the following fields must be supported (I've added between parenthesis is the OpenSSL long and optional short name):

country (countryName, C),

organization (organizationName, O),

organizational unit (organizationalUnitName, OU),

distinguished name qualifier (dnQualifier),

state or province name (stateOrProvinceName, ST),

common name (commonName, CN) and

serial number (serialNumber).

There's also a list of element that should be supported:

locality (locality, L),

title (title),

surname (surName, SN),

given name (givenName, GN),

initials (initials),

pseudonym (pseudonym) and

generation qualifier (generationQualifier).

LDAP schema


The generationQualifier attribute contains the part of the name which typically is the suffix, as in "IIIrd".

attributetype (

NAME 'generationQualifier' DESC 'RFC2256: name qualifier indicating a generation' SUP name )

LDAP schema


The dnQualifier attribute type specifies disambiguating information to add to the relative distinguished name of an entry. It is intended for use when merging data from multiple sources in order to prevent conflicts between entries which would otherwise have the same name. It is recommended that the value of the dnQualifier attribute be the same for all entries from a particular source.

attributetype (

NAME 'dnQualifier'

DESC 'RFC2256: DN qualifier'

EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch

ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch

SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch


How do I verify that a private key matches a certificate? (OpenSSL)

[How do I verify that a private key matches a certificate? (OpenSSL)](How do I verify that a private key matches a certificate? (OpenSSL))

How do I verify that a private key matches a certificate? To verify that an RSA private key matches the RSA public key in a certificate you need to i) verify the consistency of the private key and ii) compare the modulus of the public key in the certificate against the modulus of the private key.

To verify the consistency of the RSA private key and to view its modulus: openssl rsa -modulus -noout -in myserver.key | openssl md5

openssl rsa -check -noout -in myserver.key | openssl md5 RSA Key is ok If it doesn't say 'RSA key ok', it isn't OK!"

To view the modulus of the RSA public key in a certificate: openssl x509 -modulus -noout -in myserver.crt | openssl md5

If the first commands shows any errors, or if the modulus of the public key in the certificate and the modulus of the private key do not exactly match, then you're not using the correct private key. You can either create a brand new key and CSR and contact support, or you can do a search for any other private keys on the system and see if they match.

To search for all private keys on your server: find / -name *.key


openssl rsa -modulus -noout -in myserver.key | openssl md5

openssl x509 -modulus -noout -in myserver.crt | openssl md5

Check SSL certificate inline , online:

echo | openssl s_client -connect server_domain_name:443 | openssl x509 -noout -subject -dates

convert the .p12 file to CA certificate, client certificate and client private key.

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in default.p12 -out userkey.pem openssl pkcs12 -nokeys -clcerts -in default.p12 -out usercert.pem openssl pkcs12 -nokeys -cacerts -in default.p12 -out userca.pem

How Add LDAP server certificate to trusted list and enable certificate verification

[## How Add LDAP server certificate to trusted list and enable certificate verification](## How Add LDAP server certificate to trusted list and enable certificate verification)

cp ldapserver.example.com.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ldapserver.example.com.crt

update-ca-trust extract

see also /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/README:

This directory /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/ contains CA certificates and trust settings in the PEM file format. The trust settings found here will be interpreted with a high priority - higher than the ones found in /usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/.

============================================================================= QUICK HELP: To add a certificate in the simple PEM or DER file formats to the list of CAs trusted on the system:

        Copy it to the
        subdirectory, and run the

        If your certificate is in the extended BEGIN TRUSTED file format,
        then place it into the main source/ directory instead.


Certificate transformation

How get sha certificate fingerprint

openssl x509 cert.pem -text -noout -fingerprint -sha1 -inform pem

How form pksc12 from pem (without password)

openssl pkcs12 -export -out slw-private.p12 -in slw-private.pem -inkey slw-private.key -passout pass: -nokeys

How get certificate in der format from pem

openssl x509 -outform der -in slv.pem -out slv.der