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DNS сервер BIND (теория)

FreeDNS - Free subdomain AND domain hosting

12.2. /etc/named.conf

12.2. /etc/named.conf

Create Zone Files

First, create required directories, enter:

mkdir -p /var/named/chroot/var/named/zones

chown named:named /var/named/chroot/var/named/zones

How to Configure BIND9 as a Primary DNS Server on Ubuntu 20.04


Настройка DNS для рекурсии

Recursive DNS and FreeIPA

/etc/named.conf options { allow-recursion { any; };

systemctl restart named-pkcs11

8.1. Configuration File (named.conf)

views in BIND 9

Understanding views in BIND 9, with examples

8.1. Configuration File (named.conf)

With BIND 9 how can I match-clients in multiple views?

Configure BIND as a slave DNS server

Round-Robin DNS

DNS Shuffle Records and Round-Robin (DNS RR)


  • Shuffle? Only one address at any given time from a list of address candidates is presented to the resolver (not possible in BIND, but with commercial load balancers).

  • SRV records? An added weight integer specifically describes the ordering (weighted DNS RR). This requires application support, however.

  • Sortlists (Example 12-3)? This refers to sorting of all address pools according to the source address of the querying resolver. For a detailed discussion, consult the BIND documentation at http://www.isc.org/products/BIND/.

  • Rrset order (Example 12-4)? When a DNS response contains multiple records, it might be useful to configure the order in which the records are placed into the response (shuffle, cyclic round-robin, user-defined).

10.7. Round Robin Load Distribution

options { rrset-order { type A name "*.movie.edu" order cyclic; }; };