bridge, vlan, vxlan - yar145/mytestrepo1 GitHub Wiki

bridges, vlans:

Network bridge

Comparison of BRCTL and BRIDGE commands

Linux Command: Bridge Usage

Bridged interfaces and VLAN tags

Port mirroring with Linux bridges tc qdisc show tc qdisc show dev wlp0s20f3

ip link add dummy0 type dummy

tc filter add dev wlp0s20f3 parent ffff: protocol all u32 match u8 0 0 action mirred egress mirror dev dummy0

ifconfig dummy0 up

tc qdisc add dev wlp0s20f3 handle 1: root prio

tc filter add dev wlp0s20f3 parent 1: protocol all u32 match u8 0 0 action mirred egress mirror dev dummy0 tc qdisc show

bridges, vxlan:

How to Configuration VXLAN in Ubuntu 16.04

  1. Install the Linux Bridge and configuration.

apt-get install bridge-utils

brctl addbr vbr0

ip address add dev vbr0

ifconfig vbr0 up

  1. Configure VXLAN with Unicast ip link add name vxlan42 type vxlan id 42 dev bond0 remote local dstport 4789

  2. Add VXLAN interface on Linux Bridge brctl addif vbr0 vxlan42

ifconfig vxlan42 up

How to configure linux vxlans with multiple unicast endpoints

Linux Bridge, l2-overlays, E-VPN!

How to configure routing in/out of VXLAN

  • Define a bridge: cat << EOF > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-cloudbr0 DEVICE=cloudbr0 TYPE=Bridge ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=static IPV6INIT=no IPV6_AUTOCONF=no DELAY=5 STP=no USERCTL=no NM_CONTROLLED=no IPADDR= NETMASK= DNS1= EOF

  • Read the above config file and create the bridge systemctl restart network

-VXLAN ip link add vxlan100 type vxlan id 100 dstport 4789 local group dev eth0 ttl 5 brctl addif cloudbr0 vxlan100 ip link set up dev vxlan100

how to set vxlan tunnel as trunk? vlan mapping to vxlan vni?


Handy TCP/IP Server/Client Tools

Direct bridging of Windows platform to the VXLAN

A Windows base open source tool UBridge has been release to allow the direct bridge of standalone Windows machine to the VXLAN without any VXLAN gateway switch.

UBridge is an user space program that can be run on most kinds of Windows platform (XP/Vista/Win 7/8/ Win servers etc.) provided that the Windows support the Winpcap tool.

UBridge supports the standard multicast transport, you can refer the following URL:

It also supports the unicast mode (Head End Replication) as discussed under:

Some other enhancements which includes VXLAN payload encryption, access/provider mode VTEPs that let you extend your VXLAN over the Internet behind PAT/NAT device. Pls refer to the following URL for detail:

VXLAN on standalone Windows machine using head end replication feature of UBridge (Part 2)

To bridge a Windows’ interface to VXLAN on remote VTEP, you need to create 2 legs – one is for the Windows interface to be bridged, the other is to the VXLAN.

You can refer to my other blog for the multicast configuration. Actually the difference is only the VXLAN leg for the HER configuration. The syntax is:


E.g. to bridge your local loopback interface using your local VTEP address to 2 other VTEPs with IP address and using UDP port 8472.

Then execute the following command:

C:>ubdg 5000#V:[email protected]: 5000#W:E

UBridge will prompt you to select the interface to be bridged (e.g. loopback), note that DO NOT select the interface with the VTEP address.

...... ...... Then execute the UBridge on PC (please refer to my previous blog entry for the explanation of this command):

C:>ubdg 5000#V:[email protected]: 5000#W:E

Similarly, for PC

C:>ubdg 5000#V:[email protected]: 5000#W:E


Configure VXLAN Feature on Cisco IOS XE Devices

Carrier Ethernet Configuration Guide, Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers


Connect a VXLAN-EVPN DC to the Public Cloud the right way

How to extend your ACI Fabric to Public Cloud

F5: Manual Chapter : Configuring Network Virtualization Tunnels

VXLAN on Ravello between Google and Amazon EC2

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