Placeholders - yapzhenyie/GadgetsMenu GitHub Wiki

GadgetsMenu Placeholders

These are the placeholders available for those plugins who are supported PlaceholderAPI for placeholders, like Featherboard plugin or any other plugins that support PlaceholderAPI placeholders. These placeholders are not usable in GadgetsMenu itself.

Requires PlaceholderAPI plugin before you can use these placeholders in any other plugins. There is no ecloud for GadgetsMenu, you can directly use these placeholders once you have GadgetsMenu & PlaceholderAPI.

To use a placeholder, you need to follow its syntax %gadgetsmenu_<placeholder>%.

Example: %gadgetsmenu_mystery_dust%, %gadgetsmenu_mystery_boxes%

If you using FeatherBoard, you have different placeholder syntax for its config.

{placeholderapi_*} - (* = placeholder without %%)
ex: {placeholderapi_gadgetsmenu_mystery_dust}



Description: Gets the player’s mystery dust.


Description: Gets the player’s mystery boxes.


(Requires Premium version 4.5.0+)

Description: Gets the name of the pet.

Example: baby_pig_pet_name, wolf_pet_name


(Requires Premium version 4.5.0+)

Description: Gets the name of current spawned pet.


(Requires Premium version 5.2.0+)

Description: Gets the current level of the spawned pet.


(Requires Premium version 5.2.0+)

Description: Gets the experience obtained of the current level of the spawned pet.


(Requires Premium version 5.2.0+)

Description: Gets the maximum experience of the current level of the spawned pet.



Description: Gets the name of the pet.

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Description: Gets the status of bypass cooldown setting.


Description: Gets the status of self morph view setting.

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Unlocked cosmetic items


Description: Gets the total amount of cosmetics that player has unlocked.


Description: Gets the amount of specific cosmetic that player has unlocked.

Example: unlocked_hats, unlocked_animated_hats, unlocked_particles, unlocked_suits, unlocked_gadgets, unlocked_pets, unlocked_miniatures, unlocked_morphs, unlocked_banners, unlocked_emotes, unlocked_cloaks

Example Syntax: %gadgetsmenu_unlocked_hats%

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Locked cosmetic items


Description: Gets the total amount of cosmetics that player hasn’t unlocked.


Description: Gets the amount of specific cosmetic that player hasn’t unlocked.

Example: locked_hats, locked_animated_hats, locked_particles, locked_suits, locked_gadgets, locked_pets, locked_miniatures, locked_morphs, locked_banners, locked_emotes, locked_cloaks

Example Syntax: %gadgetsmenu_locked_hats%

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Total cosmetic items available


Description: Get the total amount of cosmetic items available.


Description: Get the total amount of specific cosmetic available.

Example: hats_size, animated_hats_size, particles_size, suits_size, gadgets_size, pets_size, miniatures_size, morphs_size, banners_size, emotes_size, cloaks_size

Example Syntax: %gadgetsmenu_hats_size%

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Unlocked cosmetic items percentages


Description: Get the percentages of cosmetics that player has unlocked.


Description: Get the percentages of specific cosmetic that player has unlocked.

Example: unlocked_hats_percentages, unlocked_animated_hats_percentages, unlocked_particles_percentages, unlocked_suits_percentages, unlocked_gadgets_percentages, unlocked_pets_percentages, unlocked_miniatures_percentages, unlocked_morphs_percentages, unlocked_banners_percentages, unlocked_emotes_percentages, unlocked_cloaks_percentages

Example Syntax: %gadgetsmenu_unlocked_hats_percentages%

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Equipped cosmetics


Description: Get the cosmetics that player equipped.


Description: Get the specific cosmetic that player equipped.

Example: equipped_hat, equipped_animated_hat, equipped_particle, equipped_suit_helmet, equipped_suit_chestplate, equipped_suit_leggings, equipped_suit_boots, equipped_gadget, equipped_pet, equipped_miniature, equipped_morph, equipped_banner, equipped_emote, equipped_cloak

Example Syntax: %gadgetsmenu_equipped_hat%

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