Custom Hats - yapzhenyie/GadgetsMenu GitHub Wiki
You are able to create your own hats in 'custom hats.yml' file.
Make sure you have read the whole page before creating your own hats.
# Please do not change this.
# This name will store in GadgetsMenu cache and use for mystery boxes,
# so do not use the same name!
# The permission of the hat is 'gadgetsmenu.hats.steve'.
# The name of hat.
Name: '&aSteve Hat'
# The price of hat.
Mystery Dust: 12
# The rarity of the hat.
# Rarity: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary
Rarity: Common
# This is the texture of the head that are stored in Mojang's database.
# Simply paste the url right here.
# Set to true will able player to equip it.
Enabled: false
# Can this hat found in mystery boxes?
CanBeFound: true
# Can player get this hat by purchasing it using mystery dust?
Purchasable: true
# The lore of hat.
Locked: ''
Unlocked: ''
# This name will store in GadgetsMenu cache and use for mystery boxes,
# so do not use the same name!
# The permission of the hat is 'gadgetsmenu.hats.sponge'.
# The name of hat.
Name: '&aSponge Hat'
# The price of hat.
Mystery Dust: 12
# The rarity of the hat.
# Rarity: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary
Rarity: Common
# The material of hat.
# Material Format: [Material]:[Material Data]
Material: SPONGE
# Set to true will able player's to equip it.
Enabled: false
# Can this hat found in mystery boxes?
CanBeFound: true
# Can player get this hat by purchasing it using mystery dust?
Purchasable: true
# The lore of hat.
Locked: ''
Unlocked: ''