Custom Emotes - yapzhenyie/GadgetsMenu GitHub Wiki

Custom Emotes

You are able to create your own emotes in 'custom emotes.yml' file.

Make sure you have read the whole page before creating your own emotes.


# Please do not change this.
  # This name will store in GadgetsMenu cache and use for mystery boxes, 
  # so do not use the same name!
  # The permission of the emote is 'gadgetsmenu.emotes.slimes'.

    # The name of emote.
    Name: '&aSmiles Emote'

    # The price of emote.
    Mystery Dust: 10

    # The cooldown timer of using emote once.
    Cooldown: 10

    # The rarity of the emote.
    # Rarity: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary
    Rarity: Common 

    # Shows a hologram on the top of the player.
      Enabled: false
      Text: ''

    # This is the texture of the head that are stored in Mojang's database.
    # Simply paste the url right here.
    Texture: 60c432cbc490a8af6e9dfeb28095c0a0ec79fff705fb184674d1e743bd05baa

    # Set to true will able player's to equip it.
    Enabled: false

    # Can this emote found in mystery boxes?
    CanBeFound: true

    # Can player get this emote by purchasing it using mystery dust?
    Purchasable: true

    # How many ticks should wait before shows the next frame?
    # 20 ticks = 1 second
    TicksPerFrame: 5

    # The frames of emote.
    # Frames syntax: '<The amount of the frames>:<texture>'
    - 5:264614ad4bb2eb61b06b1a8b5d57f02448a975a8217ec16571f87c49227cbd
    - 1:60c432cbc490a8af6e9dfeb28095c0a0ec79fff705fb184674d1e743bd05baa
    - 11:41ac21d93ce17f2b7ee2e0e07a983eeb4a539e341ce5c77c36c722f77a2235
    - 1:4168b716281635ceafc3268dfa7d5f46466c8032e11c1cfb7db711a9f647d
    - 11:41ac21d93ce17f2b7ee2e0e07a983eeb4a539e341ce5c77c36c722f77a2235
    - 1:4168b716281635ceafc3268dfa7d5f46466c8032e11c1cfb7db711a9f647d
    - 3:41ac21d93ce17f2b7ee2e0e07a983eeb4a539e341ce5c77c36c722f77a2235

    # The lore of emote.
      Locked: ''
      Unlocked: ''

How to get a player's skin texture?


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