Commands - yapzhenyie/GadgetsMenu GitHub Wiki

GadgetsMenu Commands

  • <argument> indicates the argument is required.
  • [argument] indicates the argument is optional.


  1. Point your cursor at in-game command description will display more details about the command.
  2. You can use ”Tab” to auto fill missing arguments.

Main Commands

/gmenu about

Description: Display information about the plugin.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.about

Usable in Console: Yes

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/gmenu addperm <cosmetic> <type> <player>

Description: Give player’s permission to access cosmetic items.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.addpermission

Usable in Console: Yes

Example: /gmenu addperm Gadget MobGun Notch

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/gmenu checkupdate

Description: Check latest version of plugin.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.checkupdate

Usable in Console: Yes

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/gmenu equip <cosmetic> <type> [player]

Description: Equip the cosmetic specified for the player.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.equip

Usable in Console: No

Example: /gmenu equip Gadget MobGun, /gmenu equip Gadget MobGun Notch

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/gmenu help [page]

Description: Prints GadgetsMenu help message.


Usable in Console: Yes

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/gmenu main

Description: Bring up main menu.

Permission: none

Usable in Console: No

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/gmenu menu <cosmetic> [page]

Description: Bring up specified menu.

Permission: none

Usable in Console: No

Example: /gmenu menu Particles 1, /gmenu menu Hats 3

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/gmenu migrate <confirm>

Description: Migrate SQLite data to the current connected MySQL database.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.migrate

Usable in Console: Yes

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/gmenu namepet <name>

Description: Name your pet.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.namepet

Usable in Console: Yes

Example: /gmenu namepet &cWosh

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/gmenu permission <cosmetic|commands> [page]

Description: Gives a list of all permissions.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.permission

Usable in Console: Yes

Example: /gmenu permission Hats, /gmenu permission Hats 2

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/gmenu petitems

Description: Manage player’s pet items.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.petitems

Usable in Console: Yes


  • /gmenu petitems add <item> <player> <amount>
  • /gmenu petitems check <player>
  • /gmenu petitems remove <item> <player> <amount>
  • /gmenu petitems set <item> <player> <amount>


  • /gmenu petitems add Apple Notch 10
  • /gmenu petitems check Notch
  • /gmenu petitems remove Water Notch 3
  • /gmenu petitems set Stick Notch 25

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/gmenu purge t:<1d|1w|1m|1y>

Description: Remove inactive player data files.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.purge

Usable in Console: Yes

Example: /gmenu purge t:1y

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/gmenu reload <confirm>

Description: Reload the plugin.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.reload

Usable in Console: Yes

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/gmenu removeperm <cosmetic> <type> <player>

Description: Remove the permission to access cosmetic item from a player.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.removepermission

Usable in Console: Yes

Example: /gmenu removeperm Emote RIP Notch

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/gmenu reset <all|cosmetic> <all|player>

Description: Reset active cosmetics.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.reset

Aliases: remove, unequip

Usable in Console: Yes

Example: /gmenu reset all all, /gmenu reset Hat Notch

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/gmenu settings <setting> <value>

Description: Modify personal settings.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.settings

Usable in Console: No

Example: /gmenu settings bypasscooldown true, /gmenu settings selfmorphview false

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/gmenu status <player>

Description: Check player’s data.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.commands.status

Usable in Console: Yes

Mystery Dust Commands

/mysterydust add <player> <amount>

Description: Add mystery dust to a player.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.mysterydust.add

Aliases: give

Usable in Console: Yes


msg=false Will not send message to the player when they receive mystery dust.


/mysterydust add Notch 100

/mysterydust add Notch 100 msg=false Add mystery dust to a player without sending any notification messages.

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/mysterydust check <player>

Description: Check current mystery dust of a player.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.mysterydust.check

Usable in Console: Yes

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/mysterydust pay <player> <amount>

Description: Transfer mystery dust to a player.


Aliases: transfer

Usable in Console: No


msg=false Will not send message to the player when they receive mystery dust.


/mysterydust pay Notch 100

/mysterydust pay Notch 100 msg=false Transfer mystery dust to a player without sending any notification messages.

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/mysterydust remove <player> <amount>

Description: Remove mystery dust from a player.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.mysterydust.remove

Usable in Console: Yes


msg=false Will not send message to the player when their mystery dust has been removed.


/mysterydust remove Notch 100

/mysterydust remove Notch 100 msg=false Remove mystery dust from a player without sending any notification messages.

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/mysterydust set <player> <amount>

Description: Sets a player’s mystery dust.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.mysterydust.set

Usable in Console: Yes


msg=false Will not send message to the player when their mystery dust has been changed.


/mysterydust set Notch 100

/mysterydust set Notch 100 msg=false Sets a player’s mystery dust without sending any notification messages.

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Mystery Boxes Commands

/gmysteryboxes check [player]

Description: Check player’s mystery boxes amount.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.mysteryboxes.check

Usable in Console: Yes

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/gmysteryboxes gift <player> <pack>

Description: Give mystery gifts to a player.


Usable in Console: Yes

Example: /gmysteryboxes gift Notch 1

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/gmysteryboxes give <player> <amount> [quality] [ex=7h/d/m/false] [reqperm=false] c:(<quality>:<chances>)

Description: Give mystery boxes to a player.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.mysteryboxes.give

Usable in Console: Yes


Quality: Acceptable value 1 to 5.

Expiry Date(ex): ‘h’ for hours, ‘d’ for days, ‘m’ for months, ‘false’ means the mystery box has no expiry date.

Require Permission(reqperm): ‘true’ or ‘false’. Set to true will check player’s permission before open the Mystery Box. If you leave this field empty, the default value is false.

Chances: The quality of the Mystery Box followed by the chances to get it. Noted that you must fill up all qualities available which are 1 until 5. Missing one will throw an error. The total chances among all the boxes can be more than 100 or less than 100.


/gmysteryboxes give Notch 1 Give player a Mystery Box with random quality.

/gmysteryboxes give Notch 1 5 Give player a 5-star Mystery Box.

/gmysteryboxes give Notch 1 5 ex=1d Give player a 5-star Mystery Box with 1 day expiration.

/gmysteryboxes give Notch 1 5 ex=1d reqperm=false Give player a 5-star Mystery Box with 1 day expiration and doesn’t required permission to open the box.

/gmysteryboxes give Notch 1 c:(1:40,2:30,3:25,4:15,5:10)

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/gmysteryboxes giveall <amount> [quality] [ex=7h/d/m/false] [reqperm=false]

Description: Give all online players mystery boxes.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.mysteryboxes.giveall

Usable in Console: Yes

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/gmysteryboxes mode

Description: Shows the commands to manipulate Mystery Vault.

Permission: gadgetsmenu.mysteryboxes.mode

Usable in Console: No

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