ios advanced usage - yanivav/Documentation GitHub Wiki

###Hiding your banner You can hide and show your banner in run time, using ``showBanner`` and ``hideBanner`` methods: ```objectivec [bannerView showBanner]; [bannerView hideBanner]; ```

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###Controlling the size of your banner The size of the banner is determined by the "size" parameter which can receive one of the following values
Value Size Best fits for
STA_AutoAdSize Auto-size (recommended) detects the width of the device's screen in its current orientation, and provides the optimal banner for this size
STA_PortraitAdSize_320x50 320x50 iPhone/iPod touch in portrait mode
STA_LandscapeAdSize_480x50 480x50 iPhone/iPod touch in landscape mode
STA_PortraitAdSize_768x90 768x90 iPad in portrait mode
STA_LandscapeAdSize_1024x90 1024x90 iPad in landscape mode

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###Using banner delegates Set your view controller as a delegate so it is able to receive callbacks from the banner ad.
  1. Add the STABannerDelegateProtocol to the header file
@interface YourViewController : UIViewController <STABannerDelegateProtocol>
    STABannerView* bannerView;  
  1. Use "withDelegate:self" when initializing the STABannerView object:
bannerView = [[STABannerView alloc] initWithSize:STA_AutoAdSize 
  1. Implement the following functions:
- (void) didDisplayBannerAd:(STABannerView*)banner;
- (void) failedLoadBannerAd:(STABannerView*)banner withError:(NSError *)error;
- (void) didClickBannerAd:(STABannerView*)banner;

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###Using a fixed origin for your banner If you choose to locate the banner in a fixed origin rather than the view's top or bottom, simply pass the required origin point (x,y) upon initialization as explain in the following example

Locating your banner 100 pixels above the view's bottom:

bannerView = [[STABannerView alloc] initWithSize:STA_AutoAdSize 
                                    origin:CGPointMake(0, self.view.frame.size.height - 100) 

To use a different banner origin in a specific layout, call the "setOrigin"/"setStartAppAutoOrigin" with the new origin value.

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###Changing the banner size and origin upon rotation If you choose to manually control the banner's size & origin upon rotation, you can do it in the didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation function.


// YourViewController.m

- (void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation {
    if (UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait(self.interfaceOrientation)) {
         [bannerView setOrigin:CGPointMake(0, 0)];
    } else {	
        [bannerView setOrigin:CGPointMake(0, 300)];
    [super didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:fromInterfaceOrientation];

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##Implementing interstitial ads with objects ######You can implement interstitial ad as an object if you need to gain more control over your ads, like using callbacks or using multiple ads with different properties.

First, import the StartApp SDK in your view controller and add the following lines to the header file for each view in which you would like to show an ad

// YourViewController.h
#import <StartApp/StartApp.h>
@interface YourViewController : UIViewController 
    STAStartAppAd* startAppAd;    // ADD THIS LINE

In your view controller init STAStartAppAd within the viewDidLoad() method and load it within the viewDidAppear() method. Remember to release STAStatAppAd object in your dealloc() method in case you're not using ARC in your project.

// YourViewController.m 

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    startAppAd = [[STAStartAppAd alloc] init];

- (void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    [startAppAd loadAd];  // Add this line

- (void) dealloc {
    // Don't release startAppAd if you are using ARC in your project
    [startAppAd release];  // Add this line
    [super dealloc];

Finally, add the following lines where you want to show the ad

[startAppAd showAd];

Loading an ad might take a few seconds so it's important to show the ad as late as you can. In case you call showAd() while the ad hasn't been successfully loaded yet, nothing will be displayed. For example, if you'd like to show an ad after completing a game's level, the best practice would be to show the ad upon completing the level (for example in your viewDidDisappear() function). On the other hand, loading and showing the ad together at the beginning of the next level might result with a failure – as the ad might not have enough time to load.

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###Using Interstitial delegates Set your view controller as a delegate so it is able to receive callbacks from the interstitial ad.
  1. Add the STADelegateProtocol to the header file
@interface YourViewController : UIViewController <STADelegateProtocol>
    STAStartAppAd* startAppAd;    
  1. Use "withDelegate:self" when calling the loadAd function: [startAppAd loadAd:STAAdType_Automatic withDelegate:self]

  2. Implement the following functions:

- (void) didLoadAd:(STAAbstractAd*)ad;
- (void) failedLoadAd:(STAAbstractAd*)ad withError:(NSError *)error;
- (void) didShowAd:(STAAbstractAd*)ad;
- (void) failedShowAd:(STAAbstractAd*)ad withError:(NSError *)error;
- (void) didCloseAd:(STAAbstractAd*)ad;
- (void) didClickAd:(STAAbstractAd*)ad;

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##Customizing your Splash Screen You can customize the appearance of your splash screen using the ``STASplashPreferences`` object, as describes below. In order to use splash preferences, use the ``showSplashAdWithPreferences`` method when initializing the splash screen in your _AppDelegate_ class.

For example - using splash preferences to choose template mode:

STASplashPreferences *splashPreferences = [[STASplashPreferences alloc] init];
splashPreferences.splashMode = STASplashModeTemplate;
[sdk showSplashAdWithPreferences:splashPreferences];

###Splash Preferences API The following API describes all customization options available for the splash screen.

####►Splash screen mode Decide whether to use user-defined or template mode.

Parameter: splashMode


splashPreferences.splashMode = STASplashModeTemplate;

####►Change splash image (for user-defined mode) Change the splash screen image, instead of using the default one.

Parameter: splashUserDefinedImageName

splashPreferences.splashUserDefinedImageName = @"MyImage";

####►Choosing splash template (for template mode) Choose of of 6 pre-designed templates.

Parameter: splashTemplateTheme


splashPreferences.splashTemplateTheme = STASplashTemplateThemeBlaze;

####►Changing template's icon and title (for template mode) The SDK uses your default application's name and icon. You can choose however to use your own assets.



splashPreferences.splashTemplateIconImageName = @"MyIcon";
splashPreferences.splashTemplateAppName = @"MyAppName";

####►Enable/Disable loading indicator (for user-defined mode) Choose whether to display a loading indicator on the splash screen.

Parameter: isSplashLoadingIndicatorEnabled


splashPreferences.isSplashLoadingIndicatorEnabled = YES;

####►Choose loading indicator's type (for user-defined and template modes) Choose which loading indicator type to display: iOS default activity indicator or a "dots" loading indicator

Parameter: splashLoadingIndicatorType


splashPreferences.splashLoadingIndicatorType = STASplashLoadingIndicatorTypeDots;

####►Change loading indicator's position (for user-defined mode) The loading indicator is displayed by default on the center of the screen. You can choose however to set a custom position.

Parameter: splashLoadingIndicatorCenterPoint

CGPointMake(x, y)

splashPreferences.splashLoadingIndicatorCenterPoint = CGPointMake(100, 100);

####►Force landscape orientation (for user-defined and template modes) The SDK display the splash screen using the orientation supported by the application and the device real orientation. You can choose however to force landscape orientation.

Parameter: isLandscape


splashPreferences.isLandscape = YES;

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###Showing banners in UITableView If you would like to load a banner into a UITableView instead of a general UIView, follow these instructions:
  1. Declare an STABannerView instance variable in your UITableView class
@interface YourViewController ()
    STABannerView* bannerview;
  1. Override the cellForRowAtIndexPath method, and add the required code:
 - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell";
    UITableViewCell *cell=nil;
    cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
    if (cell == nil)  {
        cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault  reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; 
    if(bannerview == nil)
        bannerview = [[STABannerView alloc] initWithSize:STA_AutoAdSize autoOrigin:STAAdOrigin_Top  withView:cell withDelegate:self]; 
    [bannerview addSTABannerToCell:cell withIndexPath:indexPath atIntexPathRow:2 repeatEach:8];
    return cell;

Use the addSTABannerToCell method to set the banner's position and frequency:

  • atIntexPathRow - set the cell where you want to show the banner
  • repeatEach - set repetition frequency

In the above example, the banner will be displayed at the second cell, and will be repeated each 8 cells.

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###Upgrading from an old SDK 1. Remove all old StartApp files (including all .h and .m files, StartApp.bundle and StartApp.framework). 2. Clean your project
  1. Continue to add the new StartApp SDK files to your project, as describes here.

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##Integrating Native Ads ###Initializing and Loading Native Ads First, import the StartApp SDK in your view controller and add the following lines to the header file for each view in which you would like to use StartApp Native ad. ```objectivec // YourViewController.h

#import <StartApp/StartApp.h>

@interface YourViewController : UIViewController { STAStartAppNativeAd *startAppNativeAd; // ADD THIS LINE }

In your view controller, initialize **STAStartAppNativeAd** within the ``viewDidLoad()`` method and load the ad with your selected preferences.
// YourViewController.m 

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];
    startAppNativeAd = [[STAStartAppNativeAd alloc] init];
    [startAppNativeAd loadAd];

You can check if the ad has been loaded, using startAppNativeAd.adIsLoaded;.

###Using Native Ad delegates Set your view controller as a delegate so it is able to receive callbacks from the native ad.

  1. Add the STADelegateProtocol to the header file
@interface YourViewController : UIViewController <STADelegateProtocol>
    STAStartAppNativeAd *startAppNativeAd;    
  1. Implement the following functions
- (void) didLoadAd:(STAAbstractAd*)ad;
- (void) failedLoadAd:(STAAbstractAd*)ad withError:(NSError *)error;
  1. Load an ad using loadAdWithDelegate
[startAppNativeAd loadAdWithDelegate:self];

###Using Native Ad Preferences STANativeAdPreferences can be used to customize some of the native ad properties to suit your needs, such as the number of ads to load, the image size of the ad, or whether the image should be pre-cached or not. For a full description of the NativeAdPreferences object, please refer to NativeAdPreferences API.

In order to use the STANativeAdPreferences object, simply use it when loading the ad:

[startAppNativeAd loadAdWithNativeAdPreferences:pref];

Example: load 4 native ads with 100x100 icons, send lat/lon and register for callbacks:

// YourViewController.m 

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];
    startAppNativeAd = [[STAStartAppNativeAd alloc] init];
    STANativeAdPreferences *pref = [[STANativeAdPreferences alloc]init];
    pref.adsNumber = 4; // Select ads number
    pref.bitmapSize = SIZE_100X100;     //Select image quality
    pref.autoBitmapDownload = YES;    // When set to NO no images will be downloaded by the SDK
    // You can pass longitude/latitude if available 
	pref.userLocation.latitude = 31.776719;
    pref.userLocation.longitude = 35.234508;
    [startAppNativeAd loadAdWithDelegate:self withNativeAdPreferences:pref]; 

###Using the Native Ad Object After initializing and loading your STAStartAppNativeAd object, use the STANativeAdDetails object to get details of all returning ads. The STANativeAdDetails object provides access to each ad's details, such as the ad's title, description, image, etc. This object also provides methods for firing an impression once the ad is displayed, and for executing the user's click on the ad. For a full description of the STAStartAppNativeAd object, please refer to NativeAdDetails API.

Example: get some details of the 3rd ad.

STANativeAdDetails *adDetails = [startAppNativeAd.adsDetails objectAtIndex:3];
titleLabel.text=[[startAppNativeAd.adsDetails objectAtIndex:3] title];
descriptionLabel.text=[[startAppNativeAd.adsDetails objectAtIndex:3] description];
imageView.image=[[startAppNativeAd.adsDetails objectAtIndex:3] imageBitmap];

Note: It is possible to get less ads than you requested. It is also possible that no ad will be returned. In this case you will receive an empty array.

###Showing and Clicking a Native Ad Once you decide to actually show a native ad, you must call the [adDetails sendImpression] method.

Once the user clicks on the ad, you must call [adDetails sendClick] method.

###NativeAdPreferences API Parameter name | Description | Values --- | --- | --- *`adsNumber `* | number of native ads to be retrieved | a number between 1-10 *`bitmapSize `* | the size of the icon's bitmap to be retrieved | SIZE72X72, SIZE100X100, SIZE150X150, SIZE340X340 *`autoBitmapDownload `* | Select the method for retrieving the ad's icon. You can get the icon's URL only, or pre-cache it into a bitmap object | "YES"=pre cached, "NO"=URL only *`userLocation.latitude`* | the device's latitude | latitude *`userLocation.longitude`* | the device's longitude | longitude ###STANativeAdDetails API Parameter name | Description | Return value --- | --- | --- *`title`* | Get the Ad's title | NSString *`description`* | Get the Ad's description | NSString *`imageBitmap`* | Get the actual icon of the ad, according to the selected size (if autoBitmapDownload="YES") | UIImage *`imageUrl`* | Get the icon URL of the ad, according to the selected size (if autoBitmapDownload="NO") | NSString *`category`* | Get the category of the ad in the App Store | NSString *`adId`* | Get the ad's package name in the App Store | NSString *`rating`* | Get the rating of the ad in the App Store. The rating range is 1-5 | NSNumber

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