Maps Zoom setup - yaapu/FrskyTelemetryScript GitHub Wiki

Zoom control requires setting up a 3 level radio channel in the MIXERS tab

Zoom control is independent from the availability of the corresponding tiles, regardless of zoom level when some tiles are not present the widget falls back to the “no map data” default tile. How does zoom work? The widget monitors the “zoom channel” set in the config script, it should be a 3 pos switch, leave it in middle during setup so you’ll be sure it won’t change zoom. Now define a min and max zoom levels, don’y worry about having the tiles, let’s get the control working first. When the switch is NOT in the middle position the widget will keep changing zoom like if you kept the zoom + or - button pressed, as soon as you move it back to the middle zooming in/out will stop. You can control how fast the widget will zoom in/out by setting the emulated wheel delay To slow things down set it to 1.0 sec (if your emulated wheel channel is NOT in the middle position zoom will increase/decrese every 1sec)


  • CH31 by using a 3 position switch
  • CH32 by using trims


If zoom transitions are too fast please set the desired delay in the config menu
