Installation on Ethos - yaapu/FrskyTelemetryScript GitHub Wiki

CRSF and ELRS support

Starting with Ethos 1.4.1 the widget also supports CRSF and ELRS. While using Crossfire, ELRS or other lua configuration scripts the widget needs to be paused

Expose telemetry as Ethos sources

Starting with version 1.0.0 beta1 the Widget can expose telemetry as LUA Sources, check the docs here

Installation steps

Copy the contents of the ETHOS/common/SD folder to the root of your radio SD Card.

Next copy the radio specific files to your SD card:


Now you need to add a new Full Screen telemetry widget

Press DISP or the [plus] button


Add a new screen


Select the full screen layout


Now select the Yaapu Telemetry widget



Configure the widget


Disable the title bar


Select a link quality source



Optional: make the Yaapu Widget the default one



press [RTN] to go back to the main view


Maps setup

To setup the MAPS view do the same procedure to add anoher widget screen, after adding it enter the widget configuration and change the default view


You can switch between screens with the scroll wheel, by touch gestures or pressing the page button


Zoom control

Activate the widget context menu by touching the screen or by pressing the wheel button nad select Zoom In/Out

Note: On touch enabled devices zoom can be controlled by touching the right top/bottom half of the screen


Message display

On X20 and X18 radios one can enter the full screen message history by touching the botton status text messages list.

On X10/X12 radios one needs to create a new widget page and select "messages" as screen type.

How to pause the widget

In order to use external LUA protocol configuration scripts the widget needs to be paused.

Pausing will allow external scripts to have exclusive access to the telemetry feed,

Activate the widget context menu by touching the top half of the screen or by pressing the wheel button


select the pause widget option to stop the widget from processing telemetry data


with the widget paused external LUA scripts have exclusive access to the telemetry feed.

To get the widget back to normal simply access the context menu again


Using ArduPilot telemetry as sources on Ethos

please follow this procedure