dwm - xusiai/dotfiles GitHub Wiki
Until Wezterm is in the void repositories you will need to build it on your own or use a different terminal. If you do not wish to use Wezterm make sure you edit this line to the terminal of your choice and rebuild dwm.
xbps-install -Su sx ncmpcpp mpd mpc playerctl mpDris2 dunst feh starship zathura vscode fzf picom lm_sensors ksuperkey zsh xorg
paru -S sx ncmpcpp mpd mpc playerctl mpDris2 dunst feh starship zathura vscode fzf picom lm_sensors ksuperkey zsh xorg wezterm
git clone https://github.com/xndko/dotfiles $HOME/dotfiles
cp --remove-destination -as $HOME/dotfiles/. $HOME/
cd $HOME/.config/dwm/dwm/
rm config.h && sudo make install
Reboot and you're done.
rm -r $HOME/.git $HOME/assets $HOME/nvchad $HOME/README.md
- If you want the bar at the top instead of the bottom edit
and setstatic const int topbar
to 1. - Some bar modules require additional dependencies to work:
- Update module is configured for Void. If you're on a different distribution you'll need to adapt it yourself.
- GPU modules require an Nvidia card (and the their propriertary drivers).
- If fonts are not rendering make sure you run
fc-cache -v
. - Fonts, GTK theme and icons are included but you will have to switch to them (either via the config file or something like lxappearance). The font I use is a mix of SAGA and Sarasa.
- There are a number of matching themes for other applications which are not included. Please see the SAGAtheme repositories for a complete list.
- There is a VScode theme extension included but you may need to rename and/or move the files to suit your variation of VScode.
MOD + Return | TERM |
MOD + BackSpace | FIREFOX |
ALT_L + F1 | ROFI |
Look in config.def.h for the rest. The above should allow you to adjust the setup to your own preferrences. MOD is Mod4 or what is commonly referred to as the Windows key. If you installed ksuperkey pressing mod4 once will open rofi whilst still functioning as the main modifier (requires restarting dwm or running ksuperkey if you did not reboot after linking the dotfiles).
- Siduck for Chadwm and St ❤️
- Saimoomedits for the beautiful ncmpcpp config ❤️
- Manas140 for a few scripts ❤️
- Elenapan for the rofi-yt script ❤️